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Olomouc, Škoda 03T1 Astra # 202
  Olomouc Škoda 03T1 Astra # 202  —  route 7

Author: martin · Prague           Date: Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Published 18.08.2011 23:05 MSK
Views — 354

Detailed info

Olomouc, Škoda 03T1 Astra # 202

Operator/Facility:Vozovna Koželužska
Model:Škoda 03T1 Astra
Serial number:035/9115
Current state:Abandoned / Dead storage
Purpose:Passenger vehicle
12/2014 -> KBP Ostrava- Martinov — Ekova -> do 06/2015 -> zařazena do provozu 14.09.2015 na d-7.
6.9. 2023: odstaven definitivně z provozu

Camera Settings

Model:NIKON D70
Date and Time:16.08.2011 10:42
Exposure Time:1/500 sec
Aperture Value:11
Focal Length:18 mm
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