TransphotoElektromos városi közlekedés

Miscellaneous Photos

Portland, OR

712 KB

Portland, OR,  Siemens SD660  302  —  Viszonylat Red, 302+323
Portland, OR,  Siemens SD660  323  —  Viszonylat Red, 302+323

Banfield Freeway, station Hollywood — Northeast 42nd Avenue

Outside the city centre, photo opportunities are limited: the tram lines are usually situated along a busy road, a railway line or even in a long tunnel. The presence of fences makes it difficult to take photos with a normal camera, although there was one opening here where it just worked. The opening was not 100 % ideal for photographing trams, but it was ideal for the whole situation.

30 június 2022 .
Készítette: focus1965

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