TransPhotoМіський електротранспорт

Троллейбусные линии и инфраструктура


667 КБ

Шанхай,  Sunwin SWB6109BEV98G (iEV10)  S0S-1070  —  маршрут 966

К/ст "曹家渡 (Caojiadu)"

This particular ring is the former terminus of trolleybus route 13 partial. The partial route was created in 2010 due to extension of route 13 to Zhongshan Park using diesel buses; it was cancelled in 2016. Since then, trolleybuses have not used this terminus and the junction at Wanduhe Road / Changning Road leading to this terminus was removed.

Nowadays, route 13 is an electric bus route. Between 2014 and 2022, it was operated again with Youngman trolleybuses.

11 лютого 2023 р.
Автор: jiachen

677 КБ

Шанхай,  Sunwin SWB6109BEV63 (iEV10)  S0Q-0041  —  маршрут 17
Шанхай,  Sunwin SWB6109BEV69G (iEV10)  S0S-0206  —  маршрут 733

鲁班路 (Luban Road)

Although route 17 switched from trolleybuses to diesel buses (and now electric supercapacitator buses) in 2007, a large amount of its infrastructure has been preserved, and is still being maintained.

12 січня 2023 р.
Автор: jiachen

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