TransphotoTransports Électriques de Ville
Ústecký kraj


Éditeurs: Michal Isakov, David Šteiner.

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Commentaires: tous · tram · trolleybus


30.06.2018 Oficiální rozlučková jízda s trolejbusy Škoda 15Tr s vozidly č. 008 a 025: fotky • Official farewell trip of the transport company for Škoda 15Tr trolleybusses with vehicles No. 008 and 025: photos.
11.06.2018 Poslední den pravidelného provozu troleybusů Škoda 15Tr • Last day of regular service of Škoda 15Tr trolleybuses.
08.12.2016 Trolejbusový provoz ve městě Jirkov je zachován. Plánuje se nákup 12 nízkopodlažních kloubových trolejbusů. • Trolleybuses are to be retained within the city of Jirkov, a part of the Chomutov — Jirkov trolleybus interurban system. There are plans to acquire 12 new low floor articulated trolleybuses.
11.04.2016 Město Jirkov pozastavilo financování trolejbusových služeb od 01.01.2017. Trolejbusové služby v Jirkově budou nahrazeny autobusy CNG. Služby meziměstského systému Chomutov — Jirkov budou zkráceny na konečnou Písečná v oblasti města Chomutov. Trolejbusová doprava ve městě Chomutov bude zachována. • The city of Jirkov suspends financing the trolleybus services as of 01.01.2017. Trolleybus services in Jirkov will be replaced with CNG buses. The services of the Chomutov — Jirkov interurban system will be shortened to the Písečná terminus, within Chomutov city limits. The trolleybus operation in the city of Chomutov will be retained.
15.12.2013 Ukončení pravidelného provozu trolejbusové trati do konečné zastávky Železárny (linka 25) a na silnici I/13 (E442) v úseku vozovna — rozcestí Březenecká (expresní linka 33) • End of regular trolleybus operation on the track to Železárny terminus (line 25) and on the highway I/13 (E442) between the depot and junction Březenecká street (express line 33).
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Opérateurs/dépôts de Tramway

Opérateurs/dépôts de Trolleybus


coat of arms of Chomutov coat of arms of Jirkov

Chomutov (German: Komotau) is an industrial city in the North of Bohemia, located at the foot of the ore mountains in the Ústecký kraj district. The city was founded in 1252 and is today a a hub of important railway lines and roads with about 49.000 inhabitants.

Close to Chomutov exists the city of Jirkov (German: Görkau) with a current population of 19.300 people. The city borders on the brown coal area Chomutov/Jirkov/Most. Its today famous for the Červený Hrádek castle.

Plans of electric urban transport to connect both neighbor cities appeared in the second half of the 1980s. A fast-tramway line should be constructed to do justice to the volume of traffic. The plans failed due to lack of funding. A separate strip in the middle of the street for the tramway was built and still visible at Dvořákova street in Jirkov until a street reconstruction in 2018.

Instead of a tramway system the connection of the two cities should be realized by a trolleybus network as planned in the early 90s. The construction of the youngest trolleybus system in the Czech Republic started in September 1992, first test rides have been performed already two years later. The official opening was on 1st July 1995. The trolleybus fleet consisted of 25 vehicles of the type Škoda 15Tr11/7 manufactured at the factory in Ostrov. First low-floor trolleybuses Solaris Trollino 12 AC came in 2006. The network consisted of two tracks in the city of Jirkov and two ones in Chomutov, including some terminus stations along the routes. A special thing was the line along the highway I/13 (E442) for the express trolleybus line 33. Trolleybusses stopped there only a few times and operated faster by using the highway between Chomutov and Jirkov. This line was closed in December 2013 when also the service on the track to Železárny terminus in Chomutov finished. Route numbers changed several times in the last years. The current trolleybus network is served by the following lines:

Line 340: Jirkov, autobusové nádraží – Chomutov, Poliklinika
Line 341: Jirkov, Horník – Chomutov, Vodní – Jirkov, Horník
Line 350: Chomutov, Písečná – Chomutov, Poliklinika
Line 351: Chomutov, Písečná – Chomutov, autobusové nádraží
Line 352: Chomutov, Písečná – Chomutov, Poliklinika
Line 353: Chomutov, Písečná – Chomutov, autobusové nádraží

In 2016 the city of Jirkov planned to suspend financing the trolleybus services as of 01.01.2017 and wanted to replace the trolleybus operation by CNG busses. Fortunately, this plan failed and the trolleybuses were to be retained within the city of Jirkov. The transport company decided to buy new trolleybuses to replace the complete 15Tr fleet. This plan was realized in June 2016 when all Škoda 15Tr went out of service and new Solaris 26Tr and 27Tr took over the operation. The 15Tr No. 008 was preserved as museum car and in 2019 got a complete renovation within re-painting in the old colors from 1995. The trolleybus fleet is at home in the depot located in the industrial zone of Otvice.

The interurban trolleybus system of Chomutov and Jirkov is served by the transport company Dopravní podnik měst Chomutova a Jirkova (DPCHJ) which has its website under and is completely integrated into the tariff and transport union Doprava Ústeckého kraje (DÚK).

Photographes actifs de la ville

1ière place: 21-72 — 119 photos
2ième place: Karel Šimána — 92 photos
3ième place: 22Tr — 70 photos

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