TransPhotoTransportul electric urban

Comments to the photos from Charleroi (tramway)


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focus1965 · Antwerpen · 07.02.2024 00:20 MSK
Photos: 7636 · General editor / Local editor — Belgium, France, The United Kingdom / Interface Translation (EN/FR)
This is the second colour scheme, after orange, which disappeared in 2012. Now all trams will look like this:

Some of the trams not (yet) renovated also received the new (and therefore third) livery in the meantime.
+0 / –0
retrobus · New York City · 06.02.2024 08:46 MSK
Photos: 203
Maybe I am wrong, but old I like old livery much more.

Возможно, я ошибаюсь, но старая ливрея мне нравится гораздо больше.
+0 / –0
focus1965 · Antwerpen · 16.12.2023 22:23 MSK
Photos: 7636 · General editor / Local editor — Belgium, France, The United Kingdom / Interface Translation (EN/FR)
I have rarely seen such nonsense. It is clear that both parties (tram companies) either did not communicate, or did not want or could not reach an agreement.
Complete trams were still available - sometimes even in running condition - until recently.
I suspect I do know where the problem was and the consequence is that they will rather pick up the demolished parts at a scrapyard than pick up a complete tram from the other company.
Although the situation changes from day to day, last week there were at least 3 complete trams in Ostend awaiting disposal.
But here too, one can reasonably assume that they will be scrapped like the other trams...
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Wujek Staszek · Varșovia · 16.12.2023 15:17 MSK
Photos: 22
Lego Tram:-D
+1 / –0
Мистер Гуй · Moscova · 05.12.2023 03:48 MSK
Photos: 168
Photo is definitely taken from other bank of the river...please correct the poit on the map!
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+0 / –1
focus1965 · Antwerpen · 04.12.2023 22:23 MSK
Photos: 7636 · General editor / Local editor — Belgium, France, The United Kingdom / Interface Translation (EN/FR)
That the works are finally starting now is thanks to Covid-19. Europe has provided a budget for ecological purposes for all member states. Wallonia will use it for tram projects in Charleroi and Liège, Flanders got much less but will use the money to renovate (and isolate) outdated school buildings.

I took the opportunity to post another picture, which totally fits the local curiosity cabinet.

I don't want to go below the red line, but if you know that at one point, half of the city council was in jail for corruption, then everything is also said....
+1 / –0
focus1965 · Antwerpen · 04.12.2023 09:42 MSK
Photos: 7636 · General editor / Local editor — Belgium, France, The United Kingdom / Interface Translation (EN/FR)
Corrected, 30 m away.
+0 / –0
focus1965 · Antwerpen · 04.12.2023 09:37 MSK
Photos: 7636 · General editor / Local editor — Belgium, France, The United Kingdom / Interface Translation (EN/FR)
Just at the entrance of the station that can be seen in the background.
+0 / –0
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford · 04.12.2023 04:42 MSK
Photos: 17938 · Moderator of third party photos / Photo Screener / General editor / News editor / Interface Translation (EN)
You mean it was just one city block off? Is it better now?
+0 / –0
Мистер Гуй · Moscova · 04.12.2023 04:26 MSK
Photos: 168
Thank you for such detailed but sad story. Since I've heard about these metro-stations in Charleroi for the first time in mid-2000s, I couldn't guess reason for decision not to start operation.
+1 / –0
Мистер Гуй · Moscova · 04.12.2023 04:09 MSK
Photos: 168
This shot is located false on the map!
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Мистер Гуй · Moscova · 04.12.2023 04:09 MSK
Photos: 168
This shot is located false on the map!
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Мистер Гуй · Moscova · 04.12.2023 04:09 MSK
Photos: 168
This shot is located false on the map!
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+0 / –0
Мистер Гуй · Moscova · 04.12.2023 04:09 MSK
Photos: 168
This shot is located false on the map!
+0 / –0
CDS-Sovenok-2017 · 21.08.2023 09:14 MSK
Photos: 4
Есть что-то похожее на ранние КТМы…
+1 / –0
focus1965 · Antwerpen · 11.03.2022 23:48 MSK
Photos: 7636 · General editor / Local editor — Belgium, France, The United Kingdom / Interface Translation (EN/FR)
Everything up to this point was 100% ready during the summer of 1985 and the inauguration was also planned for 23 September 1985. It was a few days before all this was cancelled.
To describe the whole history here would be very exhausting. Let's stick to the fact that a lot was designed, sometimes partially built and never finished, or completely built and only much later or never put into operation.
This is also true on the existing lines, where attentive travellers can see the rough construction of ghost stations on a daily basis.
One consolation: in Antwerp, there are such stations.
+1 / –0
Yosheek · 11.03.2022 01:42 MSK
Photos: 300
А дальше в конструкциях вся линия была построена? Тоннели/лотки/мосты
+3 / –0
focus1965 · Antwerpen · 07.03.2022 22:52 MSK
Photos: 7636 · General editor / Local editor — Belgium, France, The United Kingdom / Interface Translation (EN/FR)
The metro plans in Belgium were planned simultaneously from the 1970s onwards. The works started at about the same time everywhere and also the first inaugurations were already at the end of the 70s/early 80s. The plans (everywhere in Belgium) were very ambitious. All that came to an abrupt end when, in the mid-80s, it was decided that the regions would have to finance such works themselves.
The result is well known: in Antwerp a tunnel and stations have been waiting to be finished and put into service since this period, in Liège, work has started on a metro, and what is there has finally been used to store old buses...

This part was and is completely finished until Centenaire. After that, the structural work was done, but it was never finished. The plan makes it a little clearer.
The inauguration was therefore planned for 1985 and was cancelled a few days beforehand.

The reason was disagreement between the two operators at the time, with one company using trams in the area of the other company using buses, and they were completely unable to reach agreement on the distribution of costs/revenues. 5 years later, they were merged, but 1. the mutual distrust was still not overcome and 2. they came to the conclusion that the exploitation costs would be very high, higher than the few buses per hour that are running in the area...

Ultimately, Europe will contribute to the further development (and reconstruction) of the infrastructure.
Of course, nothing is known about the operation. The network plan was made by Public Relations, nothing more. Whether there will be a line 5 is not at all certain, and it is possible, for example, to run the existing line 2 up to Les Viviers - and change the entire tram network at the same time.

I will post other photos, including those of the never-finished infrastructure, in the near future.
+2 / –0
Andrey_Sheva · Kharkiv · 07.03.2022 20:55 MSK
Photos: 1681 · Local editor — Kharkiv
Какой-то он.. интересный
+6 / –0
Евгений Лысый · 07.03.2022 01:13 MSK
Photos: 66
When was this line built, and why was it abandoned? Something similar happened in San Jose, California: around 2000 they built one more light rail line, to Almaden, probably with use of an abandoned railroad, but a few years ago abandoned that line, too. But it is just a mile, about 1,5 km, long.

Когда была построена эта линия, и почему была заброшена? Нечто похожее случилось в Сан-Хосе в Калифорнии: году в 2000 построили ещё одну линию как бы трамвая, light rail, похоже, по трассе заброшенного подъездного ж.д. пути, но несколько лет назад забросили её тоже. Но она всего милю длиной, порядка 1,5 км.
+5 / –0
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