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Charleroi, SNCV SJ

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# Sarjanumero Valmistettu Tulo Liikennöitsijä/varikko Huom.
7874 33 1980 2003 TEC 2003 ex 9174; 01.01.1991 ex S.N.C.V.; 05.04.1988 ex revenue service; 02.03.1979 ex SNCV S motor car # 9034; 01.01.1976 ex 9743; 22.09.1966 ex Antwerpen, 9743
7879 1980 1997 TEC out of use between 06/04/1988 and 1997. 1997 ex 9179; 01.01.1991 ex S.N.C.V.; 05.04.1988 ex revenue service; 1979 ex SNCV Spm motor car # 9134; 01.01.1976 ex 10177; 1974 ex SNCV S motor car
7882 1982 13.11.2012 TEC 13.11.2012 ex 9182; 01.01.1991 ex S.N.C.V.; 05.04.1988 ex revenue service; 1983 ex SNCV Spm motor car # 9135; 01.01.1976 ex 10178; 1974 ex SNCV S motor car
7884 1984 2005 TEC 2005 ex 9184; 01.01.1991 ex S.N.C.V.; 05.04.1988 ex revenue service; 1981 ex SNCV S motor car # 9082; 01.01.1976 ex 10495; 1962 ex Leuven, SNCV N motor car # 10495
9175 1980 1992 TEC out of service between 04/1988 and 1992. 05.04.1988 ex S.N.C.V.; 04.05.1979 ex SNCV S motor car # 9106; 03.10.1978 ex Bruxelles - Brussel, 9106; 01.01.1976 ex 10057
9176 1980 1995 TEC out of service between 04/1988 and 1995. 05.04.1988 ex S.N.C.V.; 12.1979 ex SNCV Spm trailer car # 9313; 01.01.1976 ex 19727; 1974 ex Bruxelles - Brussel, SNCV SE motor car # 9783
9591 1984 01.01.1991 TEC 01.01.1991 ex S.N.C.V.; ≈ 1980 ex SNCV S motor car # 9094; 1978 ex Bruxelles - Brussel, 9094; 01.01.1976 ex 9740

Näytetyt tietueet: 7 / 18

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# Sarjanumero Valmistettu Tulo Meno Liikennöitsijä/varikko Huom.
9173 1979 05.04.1988 01.01.1991 S.N.C.V. 05.04.1988 ex revenue service; 1978 ex SNCV Spm motor car # 9122; 01.01.1976 ex 9749; ≈ 1974 ex SNCV S motor car; 03.1960 ex Gent, 9749. 01.01.1991 to TEC
9173 1979 01.01.1991 ≈ 2012 TEC 01.01.1991 ex S.N.C.V.; 05.04.1988 ex revenue service; 1978 ex SNCV Spm motor car # 9122; 01.01.1976 ex 9749; ≈ 1974 ex SNCV S motor car; 03.1960 ex Gent, 9749
9174 33 1980 05.04.1988 01.01.1991 S.N.C.V. 05.04.1988 ex revenue service; 02.03.1979 ex SNCV S motor car # 9034; 01.01.1976 ex 9743; 22.09.1966 ex Antwerpen, 9743. 01.01.1991 to TEC; 2003 to 7874
9174 33 1980 01.01.1991 2003 TEC 01.01.1991 ex S.N.C.V.; 05.04.1988 ex revenue service; 02.03.1979 ex SNCV S motor car # 9034; 01.01.1976 ex 9743; 22.09.1966 ex Antwerpen, 9743. 2003 to 7874
9179 1980 05.04.1988 01.01.1991 S.N.C.V. out of use between 06/04/1988 and 1997. 05.04.1988 ex revenue service; 1979 ex SNCV Spm motor car # 9134; 01.01.1976 ex 10177; 1974 ex SNCV S motor car. 01.01.1991 to TEC; 1997 to 7879
9179 1980 01.01.1991 1997 TEC out of use between 06/04/1988 and 1997. 01.01.1991 ex S.N.C.V.; 05.04.1988 ex revenue service; 1979 ex SNCV Spm motor car # 9134; 01.01.1976 ex 10177; 1974 ex SNCV S motor car. 1997 to 7879
9182 1982 05.04.1988 01.01.1991 S.N.C.V. out of service between 06/04/1988 and 2012. 05.04.1988 ex revenue service; 1983 ex SNCV Spm motor car # 9135; 01.01.1976 ex 10178; 1974 ex SNCV S motor car. 01.01.1991 to TEC; 13.11.2012 to 7882
9182 1982 01.01.1991 13.11.2012 TEC 01.01.1991 ex S.N.C.V.; 05.04.1988 ex revenue service; 1983 ex SNCV Spm motor car # 9135; 01.01.1976 ex 10178; 1974 ex SNCV S motor car. 13.11.2012 to 7882
9184 1984 05.04.1988 01.01.1991 S.N.C.V. out of service between 06/04/1988 and 2005. 05.04.1988 ex revenue service; 1981 ex SNCV S motor car # 9082; 01.01.1976 ex 10495; 1962 ex Leuven, SNCV N motor car # 10495. 01.01.1991 to TEC; 2005 to 7884
9184 1984 01.01.1991 2005 TEC 01.01.1991 ex S.N.C.V.; 05.04.1988 ex revenue service; 1981 ex SNCV S motor car # 9082; 01.01.1976 ex 10495; 1962 ex Leuven, SNCV N motor car # 10495. 2005 to 7884
9591 1984 ≈ 1980 01.01.1991 S.N.C.V. ≈ 1980 ex SNCV S motor car # 9094; 1978 ex Bruxelles - Brussel, 9094; 01.01.1976 ex 9740. 01.01.1991 to TEC

Näytetyt tietueet: 11 / 18


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