TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

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New York City, Brill 4-axle motor car

Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

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Raž. No... Līdz... Util. Depo/Parks Piezīme
5145 1919 1924 BRT / B&QT 1924 ex Brill 4-axle trailer car # 6045
5146 1919 1924 BRT / B&QT 1924 ex Brill 4-axle trailer car # 6046
5147 1919 1924 BRT / B&QT 1924 ex Brill 4-axle trailer car # 6047
5148 1919 1924 BRT / B&QT 1924 ex Brill 4-axle trailer car # 6048
5149 1919 1924 BRT / B&QT 1924 ex Brill 4-axle trailer car # 6049
5150 1919 1924 BRT / B&QT 1924 ex Brill 4-axle trailer car # 6050
5151 1919 1924 BRT / B&QT 1924 ex Brill 4-axle trailer car # 6051
5152 1919 1924 BRT / B&QT 1924 ex Brill 4-axle trailer car # 6052
5153 1919 1924 BRT / B&QT 1924 ex Brill 4-axle trailer car # 6053
9239 1906 1914 BRT / B&QT Coal car. 1914 ex CI&BRR, 14
9556 1897 BRT / B&QT Express car
9557 1897 BRT / B&QT Express car
9990 1895 1906 BRT / B&QT Parlor car. 1906 ex Columbia. 1907 to 99; 1915 to 798
9999 1903 1927 BRT / B&QT Instruction car. 1927 ex 1133; 1914 ex 695
Columbia 1895 BRT / B&QT Parlor car. 1906 to 9990; 1907 to 99; 1915 to 798
Directors car 1896 CI&BRR 1914 to BRT / B&QT, 799; 31.01.1926 to Trenton, 6
E1 1899 06.1899 Ocean Elec. Ry. 1910 to 21
E2 1899 06.1899 Ocean Elec. Ry. 1910 to 22
E3 1899 06.1899 Ocean Elec. Ry. 1910 to 23
E4 1899 06.1899 Ocean Elec. Ry. 1910 to 24
E5 1899 06.1899 Ocean Elec. Ry. 1910 to 25
E6 1899 06.1899 Ocean Elec. Ry. 1910 to 26
n/n 1909 1909 1920 1923 NY&NST Flat motor

Parādītie ieraksti: 23 no 8023

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