TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

Ritošā sastāva saraksts

Athens, tramvajs

Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Modelis Raž. No... Depo/Parks Piezīme
63 United Electric Car 2-axle motor car 1909 ???? Old tramway ???? ex revenue service
82 Ernesto Breda 1936 ???? STASY ???? ex Piraeus–Perama
10001 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10002 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10003 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10004 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10005 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10006 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10007 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10008 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10009 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10010 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10011 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10012 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10013 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10014 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10015 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10016 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10017 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10018 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10019 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10020 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10021 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10022 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10023 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10024 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10025 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10026 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10027 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10028 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10029 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10030 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10031 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10032 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10033 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10034 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
10035 AnsaldoBreda Sirio 2004 STASY
20036 Alstom Citadis 305 2020 08.2020 STASY
20037 Alstom Citadis 305 2020 09.2020 STASY
20038 Alstom Citadis 305 2020 2020 STASY
20039 Alstom Citadis 305 2020 2020 STASY
20040 Alstom Citadis 305 2020 2020 STASY
20041 Alstom Citadis 305 2020 2020 STASY
20042 Alstom Citadis 305 2020 2020 STASY
20043 Alstom Citadis 305 2020 2020 STASY
20044 Alstom Citadis 305 2020 2020 STASY
20045 Alstom Citadis 305 2020 2021 STASY
20046 Alstom Citadis 305 2020 2021 STASY
20047 Alstom Citadis 305 2020 01.2021 STASY
20048 Alstom Citadis 305 2020 2021 STASY
20049 Alstom Citadis 305 2021 2021 STASY
20050 Alstom Citadis 305 2021 2021 STASY
20051 Alstom Citadis 305 2021 2021 STASY
20052 Alstom Citadis 305 2021 2021 STASY
20053 Alstom Citadis 305 2021 2021 STASY
20054 Alstom Citadis 305 2021 2021 STASY
20055 Alstom Citadis 305 2021 2021 STASY
20056 Alstom Citadis 305 2021 2021 STASY
20057 Alstom Citadis 305 2021 2021 STASY
20058 Alstom Citadis 305 2021 2021 STASY
20059 Alstom Citadis 305 2021 2021 STASY
20060 Alstom Citadis 305 2021 2021 STASY
n/n Ernesto Breda 1936 ???? STASY

Parādītie ieraksti: 63 no 160

Norakstīti, nodoti un modernizēti TL

Modelis Raž. No... Depo/Parks Piezīme
3 2-axle motor car Old tramway
16 Horse car 1882 1882 Old tramway
18 2-axle motor car Old tramway
34 2-axle motor car Old tramway
38 2-axle motor car Old tramway
52 United Electric Car 2-axle motor car 1909 1910 Old tramway
53 United Electric Car 2-axle motor car 1909 1910 Old tramway
54 United Electric Car 2-axle motor car 1909 1910 Old tramway
55 United Electric Car 2-axle motor car 1909 1910 Old tramway
56 United Electric Car 2-axle motor car 1909 1910 Old tramway
57 United Electric Car 2-axle motor car 1909 1910 Old tramway
58 2-axle motor car Old tramway
58 United Electric Car 2-axle motor car 1909 1910 Old tramway
59 United Electric Car 2-axle motor car 1909 1910 Old tramway
60 United Electric Car 2-axle motor car 1909 1910 Old tramway
61 United Electric Car 2-axle motor car 1909 1910 Old tramway
62 United Electric Car 2-axle motor car 1909 1910 Old tramway
63 United Electric Car 2-axle motor car 1909 1910 Old tramway ???? to museum
71 Ernesto Breda 1936 Piraeus–Perama
72 Ernesto Breda 1936 Piraeus–Perama
73 Ernesto Breda 1936 Piraeus–Perama
74 Ernesto Breda 1936 Piraeus–Perama
75 Ernesto Breda 1936 Piraeus–Perama
76 Ernesto Breda 1936 Piraeus–Perama
77 Ernesto Breda 1936 Piraeus–Perama
78 Ernesto Breda 1936 Piraeus–Perama
79 Ernesto Breda 1936 Piraeus–Perama
80 Ernesto Breda 1936 Piraeus–Perama
81 Ernesto Breda 1936 Piraeus–Perama
82 Ernesto Breda 1936 Piraeus–Perama ???? to STASY
86 2-axle motor car Old tramway
101 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
102 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
103 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
104 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
105 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
106 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
107 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
108 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
109 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
110 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
111 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
112 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
113 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
114 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
115 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
116 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
117 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
118 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
119 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
120 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
121 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
122 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
123 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
124 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
125 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
126 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
127 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
128 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
129 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
130 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
131 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
132 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
133 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
134 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
135 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
136 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
137 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
138 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
139 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
140 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
141 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
142 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
143 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
144 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
145 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
146 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
147 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
148 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
149 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
150 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
151 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
152 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
153 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
154 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
155 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
156 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
157 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
158 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
159 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
160 ΟΜ/CGE/Breda 1940 1940 Old tramway
164 2-axle motor car Old tramway
170 2-axle motor car Old tramway
202 2-axle motor car Old tramway
407 2-axle motor car Old tramway
431 2-axle motor car Old tramway
465 2-axle motor car Old tramway

Parādītie ieraksti: 97 no 160

Krāsu apzīmējumi

Nebijis ekspluatēšanā
Ekspluatācijas pārtraukšana / gaida izņēmumu
Atrašanās vieta un liktenis nav zināms
CWR / modernizācija (modeļas maiņa)
Pārnumurēts / pārsūtīts pilsētas robežās
Nodots uz citu pilsētu
Valsts numura maiņa (uzņēmumā)


Viss vienā tabulā  ·  Norakstīti un nodoti atsevišķi  ·  Pirmkārt, tikai darbīgs
Abandoned up  ·  Abandoned down
Bez fotogrāfijās  ·  Rādīt fotoattēlus
Nodošanas pilnībā  ·  Nodošanas īslaicīgi
Ņemt vērā apakšmodeļus  ·  Bez apakšmodeļiem
Rādīt šasijas modelus  ·  Slēpt šasijas modelus

Rādīt sarakstā:  Rūpnīcas №  ·  VIN  ·  Šasijas №