TransPhotoMiejski Transport Elektryczny

Lista pojazdów

Wheeling, Kuhlman 4-axle motor car

Rodzaj:  dowolne  ·  pasażerskie  ·  służbowe  ·  muzealne

Nr Wypr. Od... Do... Zezłom. Zajezdnia Notatka
10 1907 Panhandle Traction ???? to 858; 1920 to 823
11 1907 Panhandle Traction ???? to 859
12 1907 09.12.1911 Panhandle Traction Wrecked 12/9/1911
13 1907 Panhandle Traction ???? to 860; 1920 to 824
14 1907 Panhandle Traction ???? to 861; 1920 to 825
101 1926 01.08.1937 WPSCo. 05.1938 to Birmingham, 585
102 1926 01.08.1937 WPSCo. 05.1938 to Birmingham, 586
103 1926 01.08.1937 WPSCo. 05.1938 to Birmingham, 587
104 1926 01.08.1937 WPSCo. 05.1938 to Birmingham, 588
105 1926 01.08.1937 WPSCo. 05.1938 to Birmingham, 589
106 1926 01.08.1937 WPSCo. 05.1938 to Birmingham, 590
107 1926 01.08.1937 WPSCo. 05.1938 to Birmingham, 591
108 1926 01.08.1937 WPSCo. 05.1938 to Birmingham, 592
109 1926 01.08.1937 WPSCo. 05.1938 to Birmingham, 593
110 1926 01.08.1937 WPSCo. 05.1938 to Birmingham, 594
111 1926 01.08.1937 WPSCo. 05.1938 to Birmingham, 595
112 1926 01.08.1937 WPSCo. 05.1938 to Birmingham, 596
164 1906 Wheeling Traction 1920 to 810
165 1907 Wheeling Traction 1920 to 808; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
166 1906 Wheeling Traction 1920 to 809
167 1906 Wheeling Traction 1920 to 813; ???? to 865; ???? to 825
168 1906 Wheeling Traction 1920 to 814
169 1906 Wheeling Traction 1920 to 815
170 1906 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
171 1906 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
172 1906 Wheeling Traction 1920 to 816
173 1906 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
174 1906 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
175 1907 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
176 1907 Wheeling Traction 1920 to 817; ???? to 561
177 1907 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
178 1907 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
179 1907 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
180 1909 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
181 1909 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
182 1909 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
183 1909 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
184 1909 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
185 1909 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
186 1909 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
187 1909 02.1918 Wheeling Traction Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
561 1907 ???? Wheeling Traction Work car. ???? ex 817; 1920 ex 176
808 1907 1920 Wheeling Traction 1920 ex 165. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
808 1907 21.07.1933 1935 Cooperative Transit 21.07.1933 ex Wheeling Traction; 1920 ex 165
809 1906 1920 1930 Wheeling Traction 1920 ex 166
810 1906 1920 1931 Wheeling Traction 1920 ex 164
813 1906 1920 Wheeling Traction 1920 ex 167. ???? to 865; ???? to 825
814 1906 1920 1930 Wheeling Traction 1920 ex 168
815 1906 1920 1931 Wheeling Traction 1920 ex 169
816 1906 1920 1931 Wheeling Traction 1920 ex 172
817 1907 1920 Wheeling Traction 1920 ex 176. ???? to 561
823 1907 1920 ≈ 1937 Panhandle Traction 1920 ex 858; ???? ex 10
824 1907 1920 1927 Panhandle Traction 1920 ex 860; ???? ex 13
825 1907 1920 1927 Panhandle Traction 1920 ex 861; ???? ex 14
825 1906 ???? 1929 Wheeling Traction ???? ex 865; ???? ex 813; 1920 ex 167
858 1907 ???? Panhandle Traction ???? ex 10. 1920 to 823
859 1907 ???? śr. 1920 rr. Panhandle Traction Wrecked. ???? ex 11
860 1907 ???? Panhandle Traction ???? ex 13. 1920 to 824
861 1907 ???? Panhandle Traction ???? ex 14. 1920 to 825
865 1906 ???? Wheeling Traction ???? ex 813; 1920 ex 167. ???? to 825

Pokazano zapisów: 60 z 60

Oznakowania kolorowe

W bieżącej eksploatacji
Nie jeździł na linii
Abandoned / Dead storage
Los i miejsce pobytu nie jest znane
Remont kapitalny lub modernizacja (zmiana modelu)
Przenumerowany lub sprzedany w ramach sieci
Odesłany do drugiego miasta
Zmiana numeru rejestracyjnego w ramach zakładu


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