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Sandusky, tramwaj

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Nr Model Wypr. Od... Do... Zajezdnia Notatka
2 2-axle motor car 1891 PERy 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 103
2 2-axle motor car 1891 12.1900 SM&S 12.1900 ex PERy. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 103
4 2-axle motor car 1891 PERy 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 104
4 2-axle motor car 1891 12.1900 SM&S 12.1900 ex PERy. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 104
5 Jewett interurban trailer car 1893 SM&N ???? to Jewett interurban motor car; ???? to work service; 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, (5)
5 Jewett interurban motor car 1893 ???? SM&N ???? ex Jewett interurban trailer car. ???? to work service; 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, (5)
5 Jewett interurban motor car 1893 ???? SM&N Freight motor. ???? ex revenue service; ???? ex Jewett interurban trailer car. 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, (5)
5 Jewett interurban motor car 1893 12.1900 SM&S Freight motor. 12.1900 ex SM&N; ???? ex revenue service; ???? ex Jewett interurban trailer car. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, (5)
6 2-axle motor car 1891 PERy 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 105
6 2-axle motor car 1891 12.1900 SM&S 12.1900 ex PERy. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 105
7 Jewett interurban trailer car 1893 SM&N ???? to Jewett interurban motor car; 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 7
7 Jewett interurban motor car 1893 ???? SM&N ???? ex Jewett interurban trailer car. 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 7
7 Jewett interurban motor car 1893 12.1900 SM&S 12.1900 ex SM&N; ???? ex Jewett interurban trailer car. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 7
8 Brill 2-axle motor car 1892 PERy 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 108
8 Brill 2-axle motor car 1892 12.1900 SM&S 12.1900 ex PERy. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 108
9 2-axle motor car 1890 rr. S&I
9 Jewett interurban motor car 1893 SM&N 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 42
9 Jewett interurban motor car 1893 12.1900 SM&S 12.1900 ex SM&N. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 42
10 2-axle motor car 1891 PERy 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 201
10 2-axle motor car 1891 12.1900 SM&S 12.1900 ex PERy. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 201
11 Jewett interurban motor car 1893 SM&N 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 11
11 Jewett interurban motor car 1893 12.1900 SM&S 12.1900 ex SM&N. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 11
12 Jewett interurban motor car 1893 SM&N 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 12
12 Jewett interurban motor car 1893 12.1900 SM&S 12.1900 ex SM&N. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 12
14 Brill 2-axle motor car 1892 PERy 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 106; 1905 to 116
14 Brill 2-axle motor car 1892 12.1900 SM&S 12.1900 ex PERy. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 106; 1905 to 116
15 2-axle motor car pocz. 1890 rr. S&I
15 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1893 SM&N 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 102; ≈ 1902 to work service
15 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1893 12.1900 SM&S 12.1900 ex SM&N. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 102; ≈ 1902 to work service
16 Brill 2-axle motor car 1892 PERy 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 107; 1905 to 117
16 Brill 2-axle motor car 1892 12.1900 SM&S 12.1900 ex PERy. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 107; 1905 to 117
17 Pullman 2-axle motor car 1898 SM&N 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 101
17 Pullman 2-axle motor car 1898 12.1900 SM&S 12.1900 ex SM&N. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 101
18 2-axle motor car pocz. 1890 rr. PERy 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 203
18 2-axle motor car 1890 rr. S&I
18 2-axle motor car pocz. 1890 rr. 12.1900 SM&S 12.1900 ex PERy. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 203
20 2-axle motor car 1891 PERy 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 202
20 2-axle motor car 1891 12.1900 SM&S 12.1900 ex PERy. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 202
25 Jewett interurban motor car 1900 1901 S&I “Alpha”. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 43; 1907 to work service
26 Jewett interurban motor car 1900 1901 S&I “Beta”. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 44
27 Jewett interurban motor car 1900 1901 S&I “Gamma”. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 27
28 Jewett interurban motor car 1901 1901 S&I “Delta”. Express car. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 39; 1917 to 453
? Taunton snow removal car 1890 rr. SM&N Snow plow. 12.1900 to SM&S; 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, C
? Taunton snow removal car 1890 rr. 12.1900 SM&S Snow plow. 12.1900 ex SM&N. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, C

Pokazano zapisów: 44 z 44

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Przenumerowany lub sprzedany w ramach sieci
Odesłany do drugiego miasta
Zmiana numeru rejestracyjnego w ramach zakładu


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