TransphotoElektromos városi közlekedés


Szentpétervár, MS-4

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Gy. kezdete ksz./üzem Megjegyzés
2424 1933 2004 EEC 2004 ex Tram depot #5, 5703; ???? ex 2706
2492 1933 ???? EEC ???? ex 2507; 2008 ex Tram depot #3
2575 1932 2004 EEC 2004 ex Track department, М-4
2610 1932 2006 EEC 2006 ex 2492; ???? ex Track department, М-65; ???? ex 2492
2642 1933 ???? EEC ???? ex Tram depot #7; 1987 ex Tram depot #1; 1983 ex revenue service
П-2171 05.2023 Track department Приписан к ДП № 6. 05.2023 ex М-2171; 2011 ex М-72; 1977 ex М-42
С-2421 1932 1932 Tram depot #3 Парковый тягач
С-2723 1933 2010 EEC 2010 ex Track department; ???? ex 2723

Adatok: 8 az 203-ból

Selejtezett, eladott és átépített járművek

gysz. Gy. kezdete vége ksz./üzem Megjegyzés
1811 1933 1998 Tram depot #1 1998 ex С-2511; 1989 ex С-2660; ???? ex 2660. ???? to Track department, 2171; ≈ 2014 to М-72
2171 1933 ???? Track department ???? ex Tram depot #1, 1811; 1998 ex С-2511; 1989 ex С-2660; ???? ex 2660. ≈ 2014 to М-72
2403 1932 20.12.1968 [old numbering]
2404 1932 [old numbering]
2405 1932 [old numbering]
2406 1932 [old numbering]
2407 1932 1955 [old numbering] 12.1955 to Novosibirsk, 39
2408 1932 [old numbering]
2409 1932 [old numbering] ???? to work service
2409 1932 ???? [old numbering] Умформер. Трамвайный парк им. Блохина. ???? ex revenue service
2410 1932 [old numbering]
2411 1932 29.09.1967 [old numbering]
2412 1932 [old numbering]
2413 1932 [old numbering]
2414 1932 [old numbering] ???? to Prokopyevsk, 94
2415 1932 [old numbering]
2416 1932 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1956 г.)
2417 1932 28.12.1967 [old numbering]
2418 1932 [old numbering]
2419 1932 [old numbering]
2420 1932 [old numbering] ???? to Track department; 1987 to PTMZ; 2010 to Volgograd, 2420; 04.2013 to Muzeum, 2-axle motor car # 100
2420 1932 ???? Track department ???? ex revenue service. 1987 to PTMZ; 2010 to Volgograd, 2420; 04.2013 to Muzeum, 2-axle motor car # 100
2420 1932 1987 PTMZ 1987 ex Track department; ???? ex revenue service. 2010 to Volgograd, 2420; 04.2013 to Muzeum, 2-axle motor car # 100
2421 1932 [old numbering]
2422 1932 17.12.1969 [old numbering]
2423 1932 [old numbering]
2424 1932 [old numbering]
2425 1932 [old numbering] С 1963 — Красноярск
2429 [old numbering]
2432 30.03.1979 [old numbering]
2433 1957 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Коняшина (1957 г.)
2437 1932 29.09.1967 [old numbering]
2438 [old numbering]
2439 [old numbering]
2441 1932 29.09.1967 [old numbering]
2443 1932 15.09.1967 [old numbering]
2445 [old numbering]
2446 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1956 г.)
2449 1932 29.09.1967 [old numbering]
2451 1932 29.09.1967 [old numbering]
2457 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1956 г.)
2458 1932 1932 ≈ 1965 [old numbering] ≈ 1965 to Nizhniy Tagil, 2458
2461 1933 15.09.1967 [old numbering]
2462 1957 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Коняшина (1957)
2463 [old numbering]
2466 1932 1932 1963 [old numbering] С 1963 — Красноярск
2470 1932 [old numbering]
2471 1931 22.01.1970 [old numbering] Учебный
2473 1931 22.01.1970 [old numbering]
2476 1932 [old numbering]
2478 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1956 г.)
2479 1955 [old numbering] 08.1955 to Novosibirsk, 78
2481 193. 1954 [old numbering] 08.1954 to Novosibirsk, 62
2482 08.1957 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1956 г.)
2490 [old numbering]
2491 1932 [old numbering] ???? to Tram depot #1, С-2491
2492 1932 [old numbering] ???? to Track department, М-65; ???? to EEC, 2492; 2006 to 2610
2492 1933 ???? EEC ???? ex Track department, М-65; ???? ex 2492. 2006 to 2610
2493 [old numbering]
2494 [old numbering] ???? to Tram depot #4, С-2494
2495 1933 30.03.1979 [old numbering]
2496 193. 1954 [old numbering] 08.1954 to Novosibirsk, 61
2497 [old numbering]
2500 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1956 г.)
2506 1956 [old numbering] 1956 to Samara, 148; 08.1963 to work service
2507 1933 [old numbering] 1983 to Tram depot #3; 2008 to EEC; ???? to 2492
2507 1933 1983 Tram depot #3 2008 to EEC; ???? to 2492
2507 1933 2008 EEC 2008 ex Tram depot #3. ???? to 2492
2509 1932 1954 [old numbering] 12.1954 to Novosibirsk, 71
2511 [old numbering] ???? to Tram depot #1, С-2511
2512 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина с 1956 г.
2513 1956 [old numbering] 1956 to Samara, 149; 08.1963 to work service
2515 [old numbering]
2520 1955 [old numbering] 08.1955 to Novosibirsk, 79
2521 [old numbering]
2525 07.1957 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1957)
2527 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Леонова (1957 г.), ранее трамвайный парк им. Калинина
2533 1932 1954 [old numbering] 12.1954 to Novosibirsk, 70
2535 1933 15.09.1967 [old numbering]
2536 [old numbering]
2537 1933 15.09.1967 [old numbering]
2542 1933 15.09.1967 [old numbering]
2550 193. [old numbering]
2553 1933 29.09.1967 [old numbering]
2556 30.04.1980 [old numbering]
2560 1933 28.09.1979 [old numbering]
2561 1933 15.06.1970 [old numbering]
2562 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Калинина (1956 г.), раннее трамвайный парк им. Скороходова
2568 1933 28.12.1967 [old numbering]
2569 193. 1954 [old numbering] 08.1954 to Novosibirsk, 63
2570 193. 1957 [old numbering]
2576 1956 [old numbering]
2579 07.1957 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1957)
2580 1936 30.12.1983 Tram depot #4
2581 ???? 1963 [old numbering] С 1963 — Красноярск
2583 1933 29.09.1967 [old numbering]
2584 1956 [old numbering]
2586 07.1957 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1957)
2589 1933 28.12.1967 [old numbering]
2599 1933 [old numbering]
2600 1933 [old numbering]
2601 1000 1933 1933 [old numbering]
2602 1933 Tram depot #9 ???? to 9702; 10.2003 to Tram depot #8, 8702
2602 1933 [old numbering]
2603 1933 [old numbering] 21.07.1969 to Rotterdam, 2603; 06.1973 to Brussels, 2603
2604 1933 [old numbering]
2605 1933 [old numbering]
2617 1933 [old numbering]
2618 1933 [old numbering]
2621 1933 [old numbering]
2622 1933 [old numbering]
2628 1933 15.09.1967 [old numbering]
2629 1933 22.12.1970 [old numbering]
2633 1933 [old numbering] Учебный
2634 1933 29.12.1979 [old numbering]
2635 1933 [old numbering]
2638 1933 [old numbering]
2639 1933 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Калинина (1956 г.), раннее трамвайный парк им. Скороходова
2641 1933 29.09.1967 [old numbering]
2642 1933 [old numbering] 1983 to Tram depot #1; 1987 to Tram depot #7; ???? to EEC
2642 1933 1983 Tram depot #1 1983 ex revenue service. 1987 to Tram depot #7; ???? to EEC
2642 1933 1987 Tram depot #7 1987 ex Tram depot #1; 1983 ex revenue service. ???? to EEC
2643 1933 31.03.1978 [old numbering]
2644 1933 [old numbering]
2646 1933 20.12.1968 [old numbering]
2653 1933 [old numbering]
2654 1933 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина с 1956 г.
2657 1933 07.1957 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1957)
2658 1933 [old numbering]
2660 1933 [old numbering] ???? to Tram depot #1, С-2660; 1989 to С-2511; 1998 to 1811; ???? to Track department, 2171; ≈ 2014 to М-72
2668 1933 [old numbering]
2669 1933 [old numbering]
2672 1933 [old numbering]
2673 1933 07.1957 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1957)
2688 1933 [old numbering]
2689 1933 11.1957 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1957)
2690 1933 [old numbering]
2691 1933 [old numbering]
2692 1933 [old numbering]
2693 1933 29.09.1967 [old numbering]
2694 1933 29.09.1967 [old numbering]
2695 1933 1944 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Володарского (1944)
2696 1933 [old numbering]
2702 1933 30.04.1980 [old numbering]
2706 1933 1933 ???? [old numbering] ???? to Tram depot #5, 5703; 2004 to EEC, 2424
2708 1933 [old numbering]
2709 1933 [old numbering]
2715 1933 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1956 г.)
2716 1933 [old numbering]
2717 1933 [old numbering]
2718 1933 [old numbering]
2719 1933 [old numbering]
2720 1933 1956 [old numbering]
2721 1933 [old numbering]
2722 1933 [old numbering]
2723 1933 [old numbering] ???? to Track department, С-2723; 2010 to EEC
2732 1933 07.1957 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1957)
2733 1933 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Калинина (1957 г.), ранее трамвайный парк им. Смирнова
2734 1933 [old numbering]
2735 1933 [old numbering]
2736 1933 [old numbering]
2737 1933 1957 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Коняшина (1957). 1957 to work service
2737 1957 [old numbering] Учебный. 1957 ex revenue service
2738 1933 [old numbering]
2739 1933 07.1957 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1957)
2741 1933 [old numbering]
2744 1933 [old numbering]
2745 1933 1933 [old numbering]
2746 1933 [old numbering]
2747 1933 22.12.1970 [old numbering]
2748 1933 29.12.1979 [old numbering]
2750 1933 1954 [old numbering] 08.1954 to Novosibirsk, 60
2751 1933 1944 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Володарского (1944)
2752 1933 [old numbering]
5703 1933 ???? 2004 Tram depot #5 ???? ex 2706. 2004 to EEC, 2424
8702 1933 10.2003 12.2010 Tram depot #8 10.2003 ex Tram depot #9, 9702; ???? ex 2602
9702 1933 ???? Tram depot #9 ???? ex 2602. 10.2003 to Tram depot #8, 8702
В-5 2004 Tram depot #1
М-4 1932 2004 Track department 2004 to EEC, 2575
М-42 Track department 1977 to М-72; 2011 to М-2171; 05.2023 to П-2171
М-56 1933 2001 Track department транспортный д/п 5
М-61 Track department ???? to М-84; ???? to EEC; 02.2017 to Moscow, б/н
М-65 1933 ???? Track department ???? ex 2492. ???? to EEC, 2492; 2006 to 2610
М-72 1977 Track department 1977 ex М-42. 2011 to М-2171; 05.2023 to П-2171
М-72 1933 ≈ 2014 Track department ≈ 2014 ex 2171; ???? ex Tram depot #1, 1811; 1998 ex С-2511; 1989 ex С-2660; ???? ex 2660
М-84 ???? Track department ???? ex М-61. ???? to EEC; 02.2017 to Moscow, б/н
М-84 ???? EEC ???? ex Track department; ???? ex М-61. 02.2017 to Moscow, б/н
М-2171 2011 Track department Приписан к ДП № 6. 2011 ex М-72; 1977 ex М-42. 05.2023 to П-2171
С-2490 1932 1987 Tram depot #5 1987 to Lipetsk, ЭВ-01
С-2491 1932 ???? 29.09.1989 Tram depot #1 ???? ex 2491
С-2494 ???? Tram depot #4 ???? ex 2494
С-2511 ???? 29.09.1989 Tram depot #1 ???? ex 2511
С-2511 1933 1989 Tram depot #1 1989 ex С-2660; ???? ex 2660. 1998 to 1811; ???? to Track department, 2171; ≈ 2014 to М-72
С-2660 1933 ???? Tram depot #1 ???? ex 2660. 1989 to С-2511; 1998 to 1811; ???? to Track department, 2171; ≈ 2014 to М-72
С-2723 1933 ???? Track department лаборатория проверки автоматических выключателей вагонов. ???? ex 2723. 2010 to EEC

Adatok: 195 az 203-ból

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