TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

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Hershey, tramvajs

Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Modelis Raž. No... Depo/Parks Piezīme
3 Brill 4-axle motor car 1904 2006 Historical Society 2006 ex Scranton, 3; 1999 ex Philadelphia, 3; 1965 ex Hershey, 3
7 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1914 2007 Historical Society 2007 ex Hershey Transit; 1931 (?) ex Ephrata, 21

Parādītie ieraksti: 2 no 35

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Modelis Raž. No... Līdz... Depo/Parks Piezīme
1 Brill 4-axle motor car 1904 Hershey Transit
2 Brill 4-axle motor car 1904 1943 Hershey Transit
3 Brill 4-axle motor car 1904 1948 Hershey Transit 1928 to line car. 1965 to Philadelphia, 3; 1999 to Scranton, 3; 2006 to Hershey, 3
4 Brill 2-axle motor car 1894 18.10.1906 Hershey Transit 10/1906 ex Baltimore
4 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1914 ≈ 1931 1946 Hershey Transit 1931 (?) ex Ephrata, 20. 1965 to Bloomsburg, 4
5 Brill 2-axle motor car 1893 04.03.1908 Hershey Transit 3/1908 ex Baltimore
6 Brill 4-axle motor car 1910 Hershey Transit
7 Brill 2-axle motor car 1893 30.08.1910 Hershey Transit 8/1910 ex Baltimore
7 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1914 ≈ 1931 Hershey Transit 1931 (?) ex Ephrata, 21. 2007 to Historical Society
8 Brill 2-axle motor car 1894 30.08.1910 Hershey Transit 8/1910 ex Baltimore
8 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1914 ≈ 1931 Hershey Transit 1931 (?) ex Ephrata, 30
9 Brill 4-axle motor car 1911 Hershey Transit Freight car. 1931 (?) to Brill 4-axle trailer car
9 Brill 4-axle trailer car 1911 ≈ 1931 Hershey Transit Flat car. 1931 (?) ex Brill 4-axle motor car
10 Brill 4-axle motor car 1912 Hershey Transit
11 Brill 4-axle motor car 1912 Hershey Transit
12 Laclede 2-axle motor car 1894 01.07.1912 Hershey Transit 7/1912 ex Philadlephia
14 Laclede 2-axle motor car 1894 01.07.1912 Hershey Transit 7/1912 ex Philadlephia
15 Brill snow removal car 1910 1912 1946 Hershey Transit Sweeper
16 Brill 4-axle motor car 1913 Hershey Transit
17 Brill 4-axle motor car 1914 1946 Hershey Transit
18 Brill 4-axle motor car 1914 1946 Hershey Transit
19 Brill 4-axle motor car 1914 1946 Hershey Transit
20 Brill 4-axle motor car 1914 1946 Hershey Transit
21 Brill 4-axle motor car 1914 1946 Hershey Transit
22 Brill 4-axle motor car 1916 1946 Hershey Transit
23 Brill 4-axle motor car 1916 1946 Hershey Transit
24 4-axle motor car Hershey Transit Freight car
25 4-axle motor car Hershey Transit Freight car
26 Brill 4-axle motor car 1920 1946 Hershey Transit
27 Brill 4-axle motor car 1920 1946 Hershey Transit
28 4-axle motor car Hershey Transit Flat car
29 Brill 4-axle motor car 1914 1929 1946 Hershey Transit Freight car. 1929 ex Trenton, 60
30 Birney 1926 ≈ 1935 1942 Hershey Transit 1935 (?) ex Grand Rapids, Springfield. 1942 to Marion, 24

Parādītie ieraksti: 33 no 35

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