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Nr Model Wypr. Od... Do... Zajezdnia Notatka
1 New Castle 2-axle motor car 1892 Y&S Renumbered c. 1901
1 Jewett interurban motor car 1901 Y&S ≈ 1902 to 84; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 84; 1909 to 184
2 New Castle 2-axle motor car 1892 Y&S Renumbered c. 1901
2 Jewett interurban motor car 1901 Y&S ≈ 1902 to 85; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 85; 1909 to 185; 1921 to 802
3 New Castle 2-axle motor car 1892 Y&S Renumbered c. 1901
3 Jewett interurban motor car 1901 Y&S ≈ 1902 to 86; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 86; 1909 to 186
4 New Castle 2-axle motor car 1892 Y&S Renumbered c. 1901
4 Jewett interurban motor car 1901 Y&S ≈ 1902 to 87; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 87; 1909 to 187
5 New Castle 2-axle motor car 1893 Y&S Renumbered c. 1901
5 Jewett interurban motor car 1901 Y&S ≈ 1902 to 88; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 88; 1909 to 188
6 New Castle 2-axle motor car 1893 Y&S Renumbered c. 1901
6 Jewett interurban motor car 1901 Y&S ≈ 1902 to 89; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 89; 1909 to 189; 1919 to 320
20 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 01
20 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 01
21 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 02
21 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 02
22 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 03
22 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 03
23 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 04
23 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 04
24 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 05
24 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 05
25 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 06
25 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 06
30 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 30
30 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 30
31 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 31
31 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 31
32 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 32
32 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 32
33 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 33
33 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 33
34 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 34
34 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 34
35 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 35
35 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 35
36 Jones 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 36
36 Jones 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 36
37 Jones 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 37
37 Jones 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 37
38 Jones 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 38
38 Jones 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 38
39 Jones 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 39
39 Jones 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 39
40 Jones 2-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S
40 Jones 2-axle motor car 1901 1901 ≤ 1906 Y&S 1901 ex S&W
41 Jones 4-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 0166; 1916 to Jones 4-axle trailer car # 251
41 Jones 4-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 0166; 1916 to Jones 4-axle trailer car # 251
42 Jones 4-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 0167; 1916 to Jones 4-axle trailer car # 252
42 Jones 4-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 0167; 1916 to Jones 4-axle trailer car # 252
43 Jones 4-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 0168; 1916 to Jones 4-axle trailer car # 253
43 Jones 4-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 0168; 1916 to Jones 4-axle trailer car # 253
44 Jones 4-axle motor car 1901 S&W 1901 to Y&S; 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 0169; 1916 to Jones 4-axle trailer car # 254
44 Jones 4-axle motor car 1901 1901 Y&S 1901 ex S&W. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 0169; 1916 to Jones 4-axle trailer car # 254
80 Wason interurban motor car 1902 Y&S 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 80; 1909 to 180
81 Wason interurban motor car 1902 Y&S 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 81; 1909 to 181
82 Wason interurban motor car 1902 Y&S 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 82; 1909 to 182
83 Wason interurban motor car 1902 Y&S 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 83; 1909 to 183
84 Jewett interurban motor car 1901 ≈ 1902 Y&S ≈ 1902 ex 1. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 84; 1909 to 184
85 Jewett interurban motor car 1901 ≈ 1902 Y&S ≈ 1902 ex 2. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 85; 1909 to 185; 1921 to 802
86 Jewett interurban motor car 1901 ≈ 1902 Y&S ≈ 1902 ex 3. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 86; 1909 to 186
87 Jewett interurban motor car 1901 ≈ 1902 Y&S ≈ 1902 ex 4. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 87; 1909 to 187
88 Jewett interurban motor car 1901 ≈ 1902 Y&S ≈ 1902 ex 5. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 88; 1909 to 188
89 Jewett interurban motor car 1901 ≈ 1902 Y&S ≈ 1902 ex 6. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 89; 1909 to 189; 1919 to 320
90 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1901 1902 Y&S 1902 ex ??. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 0160; 1913 to 401
91 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1901 1902 Y&S 1902 ex ??. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 0161; 1913 to 403
92 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1901 1902 Y&S 1902 ex ??. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 0162; 1913 to 404
93 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1901 1902 Y&S 1902 ex ??. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 0163; 1913 to 406
94 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1901 1902 Y&S 1902 ex ??. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 0164; 1913 to 408
95 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1901 1902 Y&S 1902 ex ??. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 0165; 1913 to 410
100 Wason 4-axle motor car 1902 Y&S Freight motor. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 1003
101 Wason snow removal car Y&S Snow plow. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, 101
102 New Castle 2-axle motor car ≈ 1892 1901 Y&S Line car. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, L3
103 4-axle motor car 1901 Y&S Flat motor. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, M103; ???? to 01
106 Snow removal car Y&S Snow sweeper. 1906 to Penn-Ohio System, S5

Pokazano zapisów: 75 z 75

Oznakowania kolorowe

W bieżącej eksploatacji
Nie jeździł na linii
Abandoned / Dead storage
Los i miejsce pobytu nie jest znane
Remont kapitalny lub modernizacja (zmiana modelu)
Przenumerowany lub sprzedany w ramach sieci
Odesłany do drugiego miasta
Zmiana numeru rejestracyjnego w ramach zakładu


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