TransPhotoLinnade elektritransport

Veeremi nimekiri

Wichita, tramm

Otstarve:  kõik sõidukid  ·  liinisõidukid  ·  tehnilised sõidukid  ·  muuseumsõidukid

Mudel Valminud Alates Kuni Depoo/park Märkus
3 St. Louis interurban motor car 1910 1938 AVI
4 St. Louis interurban motor car 1910 1938 AVI
5 St. Louis interurban motor car 1910 1938 AVI
6 St. Louis interurban motor car 1910 1928 AVI Wrecked
7 St. Louis interurban motor car 1910 AVI 1933 (?) to St. Louis interurban trailer car
7 St. Louis interurban trailer car 1910 ≈ 1933 ≈ 1935 AVI 1933 (?) ex St. Louis interurban motor car
8 St. Louis interurban motor car 1912 1938 AVI
9 St. Louis interurban motor car 1912 1938 AVI
10 St. Louis interurban motor car 1912 1938 AVI 1931 to St. Louis 4-axle trailer car
10 St. Louis 4-axle trailer car 1912 1931 1938 AVI Freight trailer. 1931 ex St. Louis interurban motor car
14 American interurban motor car 1912 1919 1923 AVI 1923 to Northeast Oklahoma Railroad; 1919 ex Union Traction Co. of Tennessee
15 American interurban motor car 1912 1919 1923 AVI 1923 to Northeast Oklahoma Railroad; 1919 ex Union Traction Co. of Tennessee
101 St. Louis interurban trailer car 1912 AVI Sold (?)
102 St. Louis interurban trailer car 1912 AVI Sold (?)
162 American 2-axle motor car 1906 12.1906 WR&L
164 American 2-axle motor car 1906 12.1906 WR&L
166 American 2-axle motor car 1906 12.1906 WR&L
168 American 2-axle motor car 1906 12.1906 WR&L
170 American 2-axle motor car 1906 12.1906 WR&L
172 American 2-axle motor car 1906 12.1906 WR&L
174 American 2-axle motor car 1907 11.1907 WR&L
176 American 2-axle motor car 1907 11.1907 WR&L
178 American 2-axle motor car 1907 11.1907 WR&L
180 American 2-axle motor car 1907 11.1907 WR&L
182 American 2-axle motor car 1907 11.1907 WR&L
184 American 2-axle motor car 1907 11.1907 WR&L
186 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1912 WR&L
188 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1912 WR&L
190 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1912 WR&L
192 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1912 WR&L
194 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1912 WR&L
196 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1912 WR&L
201 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1905 WR&L
201 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1911 AVI Freight motor
202 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1905 WR&L
225 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1917 WR&L
226 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1917 WR&L
227 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1917 WR&L
228 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1917 WR&L
229 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1917 WR&L
230 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1917 WR&L
231 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1917 WR&L
232 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1917 WR&L
233 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1917 WR&L
234 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1917 WR&L
235 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1917 WR&L
236 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1917 WR&L
237 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1917 WR&L
238 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1917 WR&L
239 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1917 WR&L
249 Birney 05.1919 WR&L
250 Birney 05.1919 WR&L
251 St. Louis 4-axle trailer car 1912 AVI Flat car
251 Birney 05.1919 WR&L
252 Cincinnati 4-axle trailer car 1915 AVI Freight trailer
252 Birney 05.1919 WR&L
253 Cincinnati 4-axle trailer car 1917 AVI Freight trailer
253 Birney 05.1919 WR&L
254 Birney 05.1919 WR&L
255 Birney 07.1919 WR&L
256 Birney 07.1919 WR&L
257 Birney 07.1919 WR&L
258 Birney 07.1919 WR&L
259 Birney 07.1919 WR&L
260 Birney 07.1919 WR&L
261 Birney 07.1919 WR&L
262 Birney 07.1919 WR&L
263 Birney 07.1919 WR&L
264 Birney 07.1919 WR&L
265 Birney 07.1919 WR&L
266 Birney 1922 WR&L
267 Birney 1922 WR&L
268 Birney 1922 WR&L
269 Birney 1922 WR&L
270 Birney 1922 WR&L
271 Birney 1922 WR&L
272 Birney 1922 WR&L
273 Birney 1922 WR&L
274 Birney 1922 WR&L
275 Birney 1922 WR&L
276 Birney 1922 WR&L
277 Birney 1922 WR&L
278 Birney 1922 WR&L
279 Birney 1922 WR&L
280 Birney 1922 WR&L
281 Birney 1920 1923 WR&L 1923 ex Peoria Railway (Illinois)
282 Birney 1920 1923 WR&L 1923 ex Peoria Railway (Illinois)
283 Birney 1920 1923 WR&L 1923 ex Peoria Railway (Illinois)
284 Birney 1920 1923 WR&L 1923 ex Peoria Railway (Illinois)
285 Birney 1920 1923 WR&L 1923 ex Peoria Railway (Illinois)
286 Birney 1920 1923 WR&L 1923 ex Peoria Railway (Illinois)
287 Birney 1920 1923 WR&L 1923 ex Peoria Railway (Illinois)
301 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1912 AVI Work car. 1922 to Electric locomotive # 601
601 Electric locomotive 1912 1922 AVI 1922 ex St. Louis 4-axle motor car # 301
602 General Electric electric locomotive 1929 1942 AVI 1942 to Highwood, IL, 457

Sissekandeid näidatud: 95

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