TransPhotoMiejski Transport Elektryczny

Lista pojazdów

Moskwa, Tramcars before 1924 — cars before 1924

All depots — numbers before 1924

Rodzaj:  dowolne  ·  pasażerskie  ·  służbowe  ·  muzealne

Sortuj według:  numeru taborowego  ·  numeru taborowego  ·  numeru rejestracyjnego  ·  serii i numeru rejestracyjnego  ·  daty dostawy  ·  daty wybycia (skasowania)  ·  daty produkcji  ·  daty demontażu  ·  + notatki

Nr Model Wypr. Od... Do... Notatka
1153 Mytishchi 2-axle trailer car 1909
1154 Mytishchi 2-axle trailer car 1909
1155 Mytishchi 2-axle trailer car 1909
1156 Mytishchi 2-axle trailer car 1909 1945 to Ufa, 1156
1157 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909 1909 ????
1158 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1159 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1160 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1161 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1162 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1163 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1164 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1165 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1166 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1167 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1168 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1169 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1170 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1171 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1172 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1173 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1174 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1175 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1176 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909 1909
1177 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1178 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1179 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1180 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1181 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1182 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1183 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1184 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1185 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1186 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909 1909 ????
1187 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1188 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1189 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909 1945 to Ufa, 1189
1190 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1191 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1192 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1193 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1194 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1195 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909 1909 ????
1196 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1197 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1198 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1199 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1200 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1201 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1202 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1203 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1204 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1205 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1206 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909 1909
1207 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1208 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1209 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1210 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1211 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1212 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1213 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1214 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1215 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1216 Kolomna 2-axle trailer car 1909
1217 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1218 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1219 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1220 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1221 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1222 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911 1911
1223 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1224 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1225 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1226 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1227 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1228 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1229 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1230 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1231 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1232 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1233 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1234 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1235 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1236 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1237 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1238 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911 1911
1239 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1240 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911 1911
1241 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911 1911
1242 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1243 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1244 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911 1911
1245 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1246 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1247 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1248 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1911
1249 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1250 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1251 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1252 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1253 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1254 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1255 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1256 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912 1912
1257 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1258 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1259 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912 1912
1260 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1261 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1262 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1263 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1264 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1265 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1266 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1267 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1268 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1269 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1270 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1271 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1272 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1273 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1274 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1275 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1276 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1277 Baltic 2-axle trailer car 1912
1278 Putilov 2-axle trailer car 1912
1279 Putilov 2-axle trailer car 1912 1912 ????
1280 Putilov 2-axle trailer car 1912
1281 Putilov 2-axle trailer car 1912
1282 Putilov 2-axle trailer car 1912
1283 Putilov 2-axle trailer car 1912
1284 Putilov 2-axle trailer car 1912
1285 Putilov 2-axle trailer car 1912
1286 Putilov 2-axle trailer car 1912
1287 Putilov 2-axle trailer car 1912
1288 Putilov 2-axle trailer car 1912
1289 Putilov 2-axle trailer car 1912
1290 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1912
1291 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1912
1292 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1912
1293 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1912
1294 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1912
1295 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1912
1296 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1912
1297 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1912
1298 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1912
1299 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1912
1300 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1912
1301 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1912
1302 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1303 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1304 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1305 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1306 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1307 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1308 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1309 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1310 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1311 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1312 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1313 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1314 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913 1913
1315 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1316 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1317 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1318 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1319 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1320 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1321 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1322 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1323 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1324 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1325 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1326 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1327 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1328 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1329 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1330 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1331 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1332 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1333 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1334 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1335 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1336 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1337 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1338 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1339 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1340 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1341 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1342 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1343 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1344 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1345 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1346 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1347 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1348 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913 1913
1349 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1350 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1351 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1352 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1353 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1354 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1355 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1356 Dvigatel 2-axle trailer car 1913
1357 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1914
1358 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1914
1359 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1914
1360 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1914
1361 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1914 1914
1362 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1914
1363 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1914
1364 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1914
1365 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1914
1366 Briansk 2-axle trailer car 1914
1372 2-axle trailer car 1908 29.12.1925 ≤ 1935 01.08.1925 ex MAN 2-axle motor car # 190
1373 2-axle trailer car 1908 25.12.1925 ≤ 1935 01.08.1925 ex MAN 2-axle motor car # 195
1397 2-axle trailer car ≥ 1926 ≤ 1935
1423 2-axle trailer car ≥ 1926 ≤ 1935
1429 2-axle trailer car ≥ 1926 ≤ 1935
1500 2-axle trailer car 1909
1501 2-axle trailer car 1909
1502 2-axle trailer car 1909
1503 2-axle trailer car 1909
1504 2-axle trailer car 1909
1505 2-axle trailer car 1909
1506 2-axle trailer car 1909
1507 2-axle trailer car 1909
1508 2-axle trailer car 1909
1509 2-axle trailer car 1909
1510 2-axle trailer car 1909 1909 ????
1511 2-axle trailer car 1909
1512 2-axle trailer car 1909
1513 2-axle trailer car 1909
1514 2-axle trailer car 1909
1515 2-axle trailer car 1909
1516 2-axle trailer car 1909
1517 2-axle trailer car 1909
1518 2-axle trailer car 1909
1519 2-axle trailer car 1909
1520 2-axle trailer car 1909
1521 2-axle trailer car 1909
1522 2-axle trailer car 1909
1523 2-axle trailer car 1909
1524 2-axle trailer car 1909
1525 2-axle trailer car 1909
1526 2-axle trailer car 1909
1527 2-axle trailer car 1909
1528 2-axle trailer car 1909
1529 2-axle trailer car 1909
1530 2-axle trailer car 1909
1531 2-axle trailer car 1909
1532 2-axle trailer car 1909
1533 2-axle trailer car 1909
1534 2-axle trailer car 1909
1535 2-axle trailer car 1909
1536 2-axle trailer car 1909
1537 2-axle trailer car 1909
1538 2-axle trailer car 1909
1539 2-axle trailer car 1909
1540 2-axle trailer car 1909
1541 2-axle trailer car 1909
1542 2-axle trailer car 1909
1543 2-axle trailer car 1909
1544 2-axle trailer car 1909
1545 2-axle trailer car 1909
1546 2-axle trailer car 1909
1547 2-axle trailer car 1909
1548 2-axle trailer car 1909
1549 2-axle trailer car 1909
1550 2-axle trailer car 1909
1551 2-axle trailer car 1909
1552 2-axle trailer car 1909
1553 2-axle trailer car 1909 1909 ????
1554 2-axle trailer car 1909
1555 2-axle trailer car 1909
1556 2-axle trailer car 1909
1557 2-axle trailer car 1909
1558 2-axle trailer car 1909
1559 2-axle trailer car 1909
1560 2-axle trailer car 1909
1561 2-axle trailer car 1909
1562 2-axle trailer car 1909
1563 2-axle trailer car 1909
1564 2-axle trailer car 1909 1909 ????
1565 2-axle trailer car 1909
1566 2-axle trailer car 1909
1567 2-axle trailer car 1909
1568 2-axle trailer car 1909
1569 2-axle trailer car 1909
1570 2-axle trailer car 1909
1571 2-axle trailer car 1909
1572 2-axle trailer car 1909
1573 2-axle trailer car 1911
1574 2-axle trailer car 1911
1575 2-axle trailer car 1911
1576 2-axle trailer car 1911
1577 2-axle trailer car 1911
1578 2-axle trailer car 1911
1579 2-axle trailer car 1911
1580 2-axle trailer car 1911
1581 2-axle trailer car 1911
1582 2-axle trailer car 1911
1583 2-axle trailer car 1911 1911 ????
1584 2-axle trailer car 1911
1585 2-axle trailer car 1911
1586 2-axle trailer car 1911
1587 2-axle trailer car 1911
1588 2-axle trailer car 1911
1589 2-axle trailer car 1911
1590 2-axle trailer car 1911
1591 2-axle trailer car 1911
1592 2-axle trailer car 1911 1911 ????

Pokazano zapisów: 312 z 1312


Oznakowania kolorowe

W bieżącej eksploatacji
Nie jeździł na linii
Abandoned / Dead storage
Los i miejsce pobytu nie jest znane
Remont kapitalny lub modernizacja (zmiana modelu)
Przenumerowany lub sprzedany w ramach sieci
Odesłany do drugiego miasta
Zmiana numeru rejestracyjnego w ramach zakładu


Wszystko w jednej tabeli  ·  Skasowane i sprzedane osobne  ·  Początkowo tylko działające
Abandoned up  ·  Abandoned down
Bez zdjęć  ·  Pokaż zdjęcia
Rozdysponowanie szczególne  ·  Rozdysponowanie krótko
wł. podmodele  ·  bez podmodeli
Pokaż modeli podwozia  ·  Ukryj modeli podwozia

Pokaż w spisu:  Numer fabryczny  ·  VIN  ·  Nr podwozia