TransphotoSähköinen kaupunkiliikenne


Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurter Lokalbahn AG

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

Lajitteluperuste:  kylkinumero  ·  kylkinumero (ryhmiteltynä)  ·  rekisteritunnus  ·  Sarjanumero ja rekisteritunnus  ·  tuloajankohta  ·  lähtöajankohta  ·  valmistusajankohta  ·  romutusajankohta  ·  + muistiinpanot

# Malli Sarjanumero Valmistettu Tulo Huom.
5 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 305; 1959 to Schwanheim, 2025
1 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 301
2 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 302; 1958 to Frankfurt type VH; 1963 to 2028
3 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 303
4 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 304; 1958 to Frankfurt type VH
6 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 306
7 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 307
8 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 308; 1958 to Frankfurt type VH
9 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 309
10 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 310; 1958 to Frankfurt type VH
11 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 311; 1958 to Frankfurt type VH
12 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 312; 1958 to 2026
13 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 313
14 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 314; 1958 to 2027
15 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 315
16 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 316
17 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 317; 1958 to Frankfurt type VH
18 Frankfurt type V 1910 1955 to 318; 1959 to 2024
19 2-axle motor car 1911 Грузовой. 1955 to 2019
20 2-axle motor car 1899 1935 1935 ex Bad Homburg, 8. 1955 to 2026
21 2-axle motor car 1899 1935 1935 ex Bad Homburg, 9. 1955 to 2027
22 2-axle motor car 1899 1935 Вышка. 1935 ex Bad Homburg, 10. 1955 to 2024
50 Frankfurt typе v 1910 1914 to 72; 1955 to 1372
51 Frankfurt typе v 1910 1955 to 1351
52 Frankfurt typе v 1910 1955 to 1352
53 Frankfurt typе v 1910 1955 to 1353
54 Frankfurt typе v 1910 1955 to 1354
55 Frankfurt typе v 1910 1955 to 1355
56 Frankfurt typе v 1910 1955 to 1356
57 Frankfurt typе v 1910 1955 to 1357
58 Frankfurt typе v 1910 1955 to 1358
59 Frankfurt typе v 1910 1955 to 1359
60 Frankfurt typе v 1910 1955 to 1360
61 Frankfurt typе v 1910 1955 to 1361
62 Frankfurt typе v 1910 1955 to 1362
63 Frankfurt typе v 1910 1955 to 1363
64 Frankfurt typе v 1911 1955 to 1364
65 Frankfurt typе v 1911 1955 to 1365
66 Frankfurt typе v 1911 1955 to 1366
67 Frankfurt typе v 1911 1955 to 1367; 1961 to 2-axle trailer car # 2316; 1973 to Neu-Isenburg, 2102
68 Frankfurt typе v 1911 1955 to 1368
69 Frankfurt typе v 1911 1955 to 1369
70 Frankfurt typе v 1914 1955 to 1370
71 Frankfurt typе v 1914 1955 to 1371
72 Frankfurt typе v 1910 1914 1914 ex 50. 1955 to 1372
75 Frankfurt type nf 1923 1955 to 1300
Hohemark Steam engine 438 1900 1955 to 2
Oberursel Steam engine 413 1899 1955 to 1

Näytetyt tietueet: 48 / 48


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