TransphotoSähköinen kaupunkiliikenne


Wheeling, Wheeling Traction Co.

1863 Citizens Railway Co. → 1887 Wheeling Railway Co. → 1900–1933 Wheeling Traction Co. 1933 to Cooperative Transit Co.

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

Lajitteluperuste:  kylkinumero  ·  kylkinumero (ryhmiteltynä)  ·  rekisteritunnus  ·  Sarjanumero ja rekisteritunnus  ·  tuloajankohta  ·  lähtöajankohta  ·  valmistusajankohta  ·  romutusajankohta  ·  + muistiinpanot

# Malli Sarjanumero Valmistettu Tulo Meno Romutettu Huom.
300 McGuire-Cummings snow removal car 1898 Snow sweeper. ???? to 568; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
568 McGuire-Cummings snow removal car 1898 ???? Snow sweeper. ???? ex 300. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
66 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 1310 1899
67 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 1311 1899
68 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 1312 1899
69 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 1313 1899
70 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 1314 1899
71 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 1315 1899
120 Stephenson 2-axle motor car ≤ 1900
121 Stephenson 2-axle motor car ≤ 1900
122 Stephenson 2-axle motor car ≤ 1900
123 Stephenson 2-axle motor car ≤ 1900
90 Brill 2-axle motor car 1901
91 Brill 2-axle motor car 1901
92 Brill 2-axle motor car 1901
93 Brill 2-axle motor car 1901
94 Brill 2-axle motor car 1901
95 Brill 2-axle motor car 1901
96 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1901
97 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1901
98 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1901
99 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1901
100 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1901
101 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1901
102 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1901
103 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1901
104 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1901
105 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1901
106 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1901
107 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1901
108 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1901
109 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1901
110 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1901
86 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 ???? to 160
89 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 ???? to 159
159 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 ???? 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918. ???? ex 89
160 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 ???? 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918. ???? ex 86
87 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 ???? to 161; 1920 to 812; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
161 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 ???? ???? ex 87. 1920 to 812; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
812 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 1920 1920 ex 161; ???? ex 87. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
88 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 ???? to 158; 1920 to 806; ???? to 569; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
158 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 ???? ???? ex 88. 1920 to 806; ???? to 569; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
569 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 ???? Freight motor. ???? ex 806; 1920 ex 158; ???? ex 88. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
806 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 1920 1920 ex 158; ???? ex 88. ???? to 569; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
1 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902
1 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902 1927 1927 ex Western Pennsylvania, 310; 1904 ex PM&C
2 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902
2 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902 1927 1927 ex Western Pennsylvania, 311; 1904 ex PM&C
3 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902
4 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902
5 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902
6 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902
7 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902
8 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902
9 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902
10 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902
11 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902
12 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902
13 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902
14 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902
15 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1902
550 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1902 1908 Freight motor. 1908 ex Panhandle Traction, 1
551 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1902 1908 Freight motor. 1908 ex Panhandle Traction, 2
553 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1902 1908 Freight motor. 1908 ex Panhandle Traction, 3
554 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1902 1908 Freight motor. 1908 ex Panhandle Traction, 4
563 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1902 1908 Shop switcher. 1908 ex Panhandle Traction, 5. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
16 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1903
17 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1903
18 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1903
19 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1903
20 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1903
21 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1903
22 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1903
23 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1903
24 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1903
25 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1903
26 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1903
27 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1903
28 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1903
29 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1903
30 Jewett 2-axle motor car 1903
195 Brill 4-axle motor car 1903 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
196 Brill 4-axle motor car 1903 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
193 Brill 4-axle motor car 1903 1920 to 820
194 Brill 4-axle motor car 1903 1920 to 821
197 Brill 4-axle motor car 1903 1920 to 822
820 Brill 4-axle motor car 1903 1920 1933 1920 ex 193
821 Brill 4-axle motor car 1903 1920 1933 1920 ex 194
822 Brill 4-axle motor car 1903 1920 1933 1920 ex 197
147 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 2449 1903
148 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 2450 1903
149 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 2451 1903
150 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 2452 1903
151 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 2453 1903
155 Brill 4-axle motor car ≈ 1904 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
162 Brill 4-axle motor car 1904 1920 to 811
811 Brill 4-axle motor car 1904 1920 1927 1920 ex 162
157 Brill 4-axle motor car ≈ 1904 1920 to 805
805 Brill 4-axle motor car ≈ 1904 1920 1930 1920 ex 157
154 Brill 4-axle motor car ≈ 1904 1920 to 803; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
156 Brill 4-axle motor car ≈ 1904 1920 to 804; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
163 Brill 4-axle motor car 1904 1920 to 807; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
803 Brill 4-axle motor car ≈ 1904 1920 1920 ex 154. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
804 Brill 4-axle motor car ≈ 1904 1920 1920 ex 156. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
807 Brill 4-axle motor car 1904 1920 1920 ex 163. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
560 Niles 4-axle motor car 1906 Freight motor
170 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
171 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
173 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
174 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
167 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 1920 to 813; ???? to 865; ???? to 825
813 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 1920 1920 ex 167. ???? to 865; ???? to 825
825 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 ???? 1929 ???? ex 865; ???? ex 813; 1920 ex 167
865 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 ???? ???? ex 813; 1920 ex 167. ???? to 825
166 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 1920 to 809
168 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 1920 to 814
809 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 1920 1930 1920 ex 166
814 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 1920 1930 1920 ex 168
164 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 1920 to 810
169 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 1920 to 815
172 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 1920 to 816
810 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 1920 1931 1920 ex 164
815 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 1920 1931 1920 ex 169
816 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1906 1920 1931 1920 ex 172
176 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1907 1920 to 817; ???? to 561
561 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1907 ???? Work car. ???? ex 817; 1920 ex 176
817 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1907 1920 1920 ex 176. ???? to 561
175 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1907 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
177 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1907 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
178 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1907 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
179 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1907 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
165 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1907 1920 to 808; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
808 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1907 1920 1920 ex 165. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
180 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1909 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
181 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1909 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
182 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1909 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
183 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1909 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
184 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1909 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
185 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1909 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
186 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1909 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
187 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1909 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
191 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1912 02.1916 Wrecked 2/1916
188 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1912 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
192 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1912 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
189 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1912 1920 to 818; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
190 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1912 1920 to 819; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
818 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1912 1920 1920 ex 189. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
819 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1912 1920 1920 ex 190. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
200 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1916 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
201 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1916 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
202 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1916 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
203 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1916 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
204 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1916 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
205 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1916 02.1918 Burned in the Island Carbarn fire 2/3/1918
198 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1916 1920 to 801; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 15
801 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1916 1920 1920 ex 198. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 15
305 McGuire-Cummings snow removal car 1916 Snow sweeper. ???? to 567; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
567 McGuire-Cummings snow removal car 1916 ???? Snow sweeper. ???? ex 305. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
199 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1916 1920 to 802; 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 16
802 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1916 1920 1920 ex 199. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 16
906 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1917 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 6
907 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1917 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 7
903 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1917 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 3
905 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1917 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 5
908 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1917 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 8
911 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1917 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 11
912 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1917 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 12
913 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1917 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 13
900 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1917 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 14
901 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1917 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 1
902 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1917 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 2
904 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1917 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 4
909 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1917 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 9
910 Jewett 4-axle motor car 1917 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 10
917 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 55
915 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 53
941 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 77
942 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
943 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
940 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
937 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 75
916 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 54
918 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 56
919 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 57
920 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 58
921 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 59
922 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 60
924 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 62
925 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 63
927 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 65
930 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 68
932 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 70
933 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 71
934 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 72
935 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 73
914 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 52
923 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 61
926 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 64
928 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 66
929 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 67
931 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 69
936 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 74
938 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 76
939 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1918 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit; 1938 to 101
556 West Penn 4-axle motor car 1921 Line car. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
586 Differential 4-axle trailer car ≈ 1923 Dump trailer. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
639 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 39; 1957 to Kennebunkport, 639
631 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 31
633 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 33
634 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 34
635 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 35
637 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 37
640 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 40
641 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 41
642 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 42
643 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 43
651 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 51
632 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 32
636 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 36
638 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 38
644 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 44
645 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 45
646 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 46
647 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 47
648 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 48
649 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 49
650 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit, 50
562 West Penn 4-axle motor car 1927 Line car. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
303 4-axle motor car Freight motor. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit
552 West Penn 4-axle motor car Shop switcher. 21.07.1933 to Cooperative Transit

Näytetyt tietueet: 230 / 230


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