TransphotoElektromos városi közlekedés


Miami, FL, Florida Power & Light Co. — Miami Division


Felhasználás:  mindegy  ·  forgalmi  ·  szolgálati / üzemi  ·  nosztalgia

típus Gy. kezdete Megjegyzés
300 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1925 1940 sold to Puerto Alegre
301 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1925 1940 sold to Puerto Alegre
302 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1925 1940 sold to Puerto Alegre
303 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1925 1940 sold to Puerto Alegre
304 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1925 1940 sold to Puerto Alegre
305 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1925 1940 sold to Puerto Alegre
306 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1925 1940 sold to Puerto Alegre
307 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1925 1940 sold to Puerto Alegre
308 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1925 1940 sold to Puerto Alegre
309 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1925 1940 sold to Puerto Alegre
310 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1925 1940 sold to Puerto Alegre
311 Perley Thomas 4-axle motor car 1925 1940 sold to Puerto Alegre
201 Birney 1921
202 Birney 1921
203 Birney 1921
204 Birney 1921
205 Birney 1921
206 Birney 1921
207 Birney 1921
208 Birney 1921
209 Birney 1922
210 Birney 1922
211 Birney 1922
212 Birney 1922
213 Birney 1923
214 Birney 1923
215 Birney 1923
216 Birney 1923
217 Birney 1923
218 Birney 1923
219 Birney 1924
220 Birney 1924
221 Birney 1924
222 Birney 1924
223 Birney 1924
224 Birney 1924
225 Birney 1925
226 Birney 1925
227 Birney 1925
228 Birney 1925
229 Birney 1925
230 Birney 1925
231 Birney 1925
232 Birney 1925
233 Birney 1925
234 Birney 1925
235 Birney 1925
236 Birney 1925
237 Birney 1925
238 Birney 1925
239 Birney 1925
351 Birney 1924 1928 1928 ex 101
352 Birney 1924 1928 1928 ex 102
353 Birney 1924 1928 1928 ex 103
354 Birney 1924 1928 1928 ex 104
355 Birney 1924 1928 1928 ex 105
356 American 4-axle motor car 1925 1928 1928 ex 109. 1940 (?) to St. Petersburg, 116
357 American 4-axle motor car 1925 1928 1928 ex 110. 1940 (?) to St. Petersburg, 117
358 Birney 1925 ≈ 1935 1935 (?) ex 106
359 Birney 1925 ≈ 1935 1935 (?) ex 107
360 Birney 1925 ≈ 1935 1935 (?) ex 108

Adatok: 61 az 61-ból

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