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Newton, Middlesex & Boston Street Railway Co.

1891 Natick Electric Street Railway Co. → 1893 South Middlesex Street Railway Co. → 1907–1930 Middlesex and Boston Street Railway Co.

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

# Malli Sarjanumero Valmistettu Tulo Meno Huom.
4 4-axle motor car
16 4-axle motor car
17 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 610 1895 11.1895
18 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 611 1895 11.1895
19 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 612 1895 11.1895
36 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901
37 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901
38 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901
39 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901
40 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901
41 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901 1927 1962 to Kennebunkport, 41
42 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901
43 Stephenson 2-axle motor car 1901
44 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901
46 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901
48 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901
55 4-axle motor car
67 4-axle motor car
73 Laconia 4-axle motor car 1901
75 Laconia 4-axle motor car 1901
77 Laconia 4-axle motor car 1901
171 Laconia 4-axle motor car 1898 08.10.1909 8.10.1909 ex 38
173 Laconia 4-axle motor car 1898 08.10.1909 8.10.1909 ex 40
175 Laconia 4-axle motor car 1898 08.10.1909 8.10.1909 ex 42
183 Laconia 2-axle motor car 1900 08.10.1909 8.10.1909 ex 50
185 Laconia 2-axle motor car 1900 08.10.1909 8.10.1909 ex 52
187 Laconia 2-axle motor car 1900 08.10.1909 8.10.1909 ex 54
189 Laconia 2-axle motor car 1900 08.10.1909 8.10.1909 ex 56
191 Laconia 2-axle motor car 1901 08.10.1909 8.10.1909 ex 58
193 Laconia 2-axle motor car 1901 08.10.1909 8.10.1909 ex 60
195 Laconia 2-axle motor car 1901 08.10.1909 8.10.1909 ex 62
197 Laconia 2-axle motor car 1901 08.10.1909 8.10.1909 ex 64
199 Laconia 2-axle motor car 1901 08.10.1909 8.10.1909 ex 66
231 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 929 1897 01.07.1909 1909 ex Newton St. Ry.
233 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 930 1897 01.07.1909 1909 ex Newton St. Ry.
254 4-axle motor car
322 4-axle motor car
356 4-axle motor car
501 Birney 02.1919 1919 to Connecticut Company, 2220
503 Birney 02.1919 1919 to Connecticut Company, 2221
505 Birney 02.1919 1919 to Connecticut Company, 2222
507 Birney 02.1919 1919 to Connecticut Company, 2223
509 Birney 02.1919 1928 to Sanford, 84
511 Birney 02.1919 1928 to Sanford, 86

Näytetyt tietueet: 44 / 44


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