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Allentown, Lehigh Valley Transit Co., St. Louis 4-axle motor car

1865 Allentown Passenger Railway → 1891 Allentown & Bethlehem Rapid Transit Co. → 1893 Allentown & Lehigh Valley Traction Co. → 1899 Lehigh Valley Traction Co. → 1905–1953 Lehigh Valley Transit Co.

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

# Valmistettu Tulo Meno Romutettu Huom.
137 1901 08.1940
138 1901
139 1901 04.1904 04.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 251; 1917 to 271; 10.1946 to Suisun City, 271
140 1901 04.1939
141 1901 04.1904 04.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 252
142 1901 05.1913 05.1913 to Pottsville, 56
143 1901
144 1901
145 1901 01.1903 1/1903 to Easton, Palmer & Bethelem St. Ry.
146 1901 ≈ 1935
147 1901 ≈ 1935
148 1901 04.1904 04.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 253
149 1901
150 1901
151 1901
152 1901 04.1904 04.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 267; 1906 to 499; 1916 to 265
153 1901
154 1901
155 1901 04.1904 04.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 255
156 1901
157 1901 04.1904 04.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 256
158 1901 10.1938
159 1901 11.1913 to 999; 1921 to St. Louis interurban motor car # 812
160 1901 04.1904 04.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 250; 1906 to 488; 1916 to 260
161 1901 02.1940
162 1901 02.1940
163 1901 04.1904 04.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 254; 1906 to 489; 1916 to 261
164 1901
165 1901
166 1901
167 1901 01.1903 1/1903 to Easton, Palmer & Bethelem St. Ry.
168 1901 01.1903 1/1903 to Easton, Palmer & Bethelem St. Ry.
169 1901 ≈ 1935
170 1901
171 1901 01.1903 1/1903 to Easton, Palmer & Bethelem St. Ry.
172 1901 ≈ 1935
173 1901 ≈ 1935
174 1901
175 1901
176 1901
177 1901
178 1901
179 1901
180 1901
181 1901
182 1901
183 1901
184 1901
185 1901
186 1901
187 1901 12.1902 12.1902 to Trenton, 212; 1905 to 12
188 1901 06.1903 to Gloversville, 79
189 1901 09.1903 to Danville, IL, 138
190 1901 03.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 257
191 1901 03.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 258; 1906 to 490; 1916 to 266
192 1901 03.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 259; 1906 to 491; 1916 to 267
193 1901 03.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 260; 1906 to 492; 1916 to 268
194 1901 09.1903 to Danville, IL, 139
195 1901 06.1903 to Gloversville, 80
196 1901 06.1903 to Gloversville, 81
197 1901 03.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 261; 1906 to 493; 1916 to 262
198 1901 31.03.1903 3/1903 to Citizens Electric & Gas Co. (?)
199 1901 03.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 262; 1906 to 494; 1916 to 263
200 1901 06.1903 to Gloversville, 82
201 1901 03.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 263; 1906 to 495; 1916 to 264
202 1901 03.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 264; 1906 to 496; 1916 to 269
203 1901 03.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 265; 1906 to 497; 1916 to 270
204 1901 03.1904 to San Francisco Bay Area, 266; 1906 to 498
205 1901 10.1902 to Gloversville, 75
206 1901 10.1902 to Gloversville, 76
207 1901 10.1902 to Gloversville, 77
208 1901 10.1902 to Gloversville, 78
209 1901 11.1901 11.1901 to Trenton, 209; 1905 to 9
210 1901 11.1901 11.1901 to Trenton, 210; 1905 to 10
211 1901 11.1901 11.1901 to Trenton, 211; 1905 to 11
400 1926 1938 07.1952 1938 ex Wisconsin Public Service, 57
401 1926 1938 07.1952 1938 ex Wisconsin Public Service, 58
440 1916 1938 04.1953 1938 ex Jamestown, 79
441 1916 1938 04.1953 1938 ex Jamestown, 80
442 1916 1938 08.1952 1938 ex Jamestown, 81
443 1916 1938 08.1952 1938 ex Jamestown, 82
444 1916 1938 08.1952 1938 ex Jamestown, 83
445 1916 1938 08.1952 1938 ex Jamestown, 85
999 1901 11.1913 11.1913 ex 159. 1921 to St. Louis interurban motor car # 812

Näytetyt tietueet: 84 / 84


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