TransphotoElektromos városi közlekedés


Highwood, IL, Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co., Cincinnati 4-axle motor car

1898 Chicago and Milwaukee Electric Railroad Co. → 1916–1963 Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co.

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Gy. vége S Megjegyzés
203 1920 1953 Freight motor (merchandise despatch). 1953 to Chicago Hardware & Foundry, 240
204 1920 1945 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
205 1920 1943 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
206 1920 1945 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
207 1920 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
208 1920 1947 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
209 1920 1947 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
210 1920 1948 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
211 1920 1948 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
212 1920 1948 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
213 1920 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
214 1920 1953 Freight motor (merchandise despatch). 1953 to Chicago Hardware & Foundry, 242
215 1922 02.1964 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
216 1922 1963 Freight motor (merchandise despatch). 1963 to Mason City, 31
217 1922 02.1964 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
218 1922 1963 Freight motor (merchandise despatch). 1963 to Union, 218
219 1922 03.1964 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
220 1922 02.1964 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
221 1922 1947 1948 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
222 1922 1947 1948 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
223 1922 1947 1948 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
224 1922 1947 1948 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
225 1922 1947 1948 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
226 1922 1947 1948 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
227 1922 1947 1948 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
228 1922 1963 Freight motor (merchandise despatch). 1963 to Indiana Railway Museum. 1971 to East Troy, 228; 1989 to ETER
229 1922 1963 Freight motor (merchandise despatch). 1963 to Union, 229
230 1924 1947 1948 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
231 1924 02.1964 Freight motor (merchandise despatch). 1948 to snow plow
232 1924 03.1964 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
233 1924 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
234 1924 1963 Freight motor (merchandise despatch). 1963 to Mason City, 33
235 1924 10.1959 Freight motor (merchandise despatch)
236 1924 1955 Freight motor (merchandise despatch). 1955 to Chicago Hardware & Foundry, 243. ???? to Union, 236
237 1924 1963 Freight motor (merchandise despatch). ???? to Union, 237
238 1924 1963 02.1964 Freight motor (merchandise despatch). 1949 to snow plow
239 1924 1963 Freight motor (merchandise despatch). 1963 to Mason City, (32)
510 1923 1940
511 1923 1940
606 1922 1963 Line car. 1963 to Chicago, S-606; 1978 to Noblesville, ITM
607 1924 Utility car. 1950 to Chicago Hardware & Foundry, 239

Adatok: 41 az 41-ból

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