TransphotoElektrischer Nahverkehr


Tacoma, Tacoma Railway & Power


Verwendungszweck:  beliebig  ·  Linienfahrzeuge  ·  Arbeitswagen  ·  Museumsfahrzeuge

Sortieren nach:  Wagennummer  ·  Wagennummer  ·  Kennzeichen  ·  Fabrik-Nr. und Kennzeichen  ·  Anlieferung  ·  Ausmusterung  ·  Baujahr  ·  Verschrottung  ·  + Bemerkung

Nr. Typ Bj. von... bis... Verschr. Bemerkung
27 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1905
28 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1905
29 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1905
30 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1905
31 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1905
118 American 4-axle motor car 1905
119 American 4-axle motor car 1905
120 American 4-axle motor car 1905
200 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1913
201 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1913
202 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1913
203 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1913
204 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1913
205 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1913
206 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1913
207 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1913
208 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1913
209 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1913
350 Birney 1917 09.1917 1924 1924 to Olympia, 350; 1932 to Tacoma, (350)
351 Birney 1917 09.1917 1924 1924 to Olympia, 351; 1932 to Tacoma, (351)
352 Birney 1917 09.1917 1924 1924 to Olympia, 352; 1932 to Tacoma, (352)
353 Birney 1917 09.1917 1924 1924 to Olympia, 353; 1932 to Tacoma, (353)
300 Birney 1917 10.1917
301 Birney 1917 10.1917
302 Birney 1917 10.1917
303 Birney 1917 10.1917
304 Birney 1917 10.1917
305 Birney 1917 10.1917
306 Birney 1917 10.1917
307 Birney 1917 10.1917
308 Birney 1917 10.1917
309 Birney 1917 10.1917
310 Birney 1917 10.1917
311 Birney 1917 10.1917
312 Birney 1917 10.1917
313 Birney 1917 10.1917
314 Birney 1917 10.1917
315 Birney 1917 10.1917
316 Birney 1917 10.1917
317 Birney 1917 10.1917
318 Birney 1917 10.1917
319 Birney 1917 10.1917
320 Birney 1917 10.1917
321 Birney 1917 10.1917
322 Birney 1917 10.1917
323 Birney 1917 10.1917
324 Birney 1917 10.1917
325 Birney 1917 10.1917
326 Birney 1917 10.1917
327 Birney 1917 10.1917
354 Birney 1918 09.1918 1924 1924 to Olympia, 354; 1932 to Tacoma, (354)
355 Birney 1918 09.1918 1924 1924 to Olympia, 355; 1932 to Tacoma, (355)
356 Birney 1918 09.1918
357 Birney 1918 09.1918
358 Birney 1918 09.1918
359 Birney 1918 09.1918
360 Birney 1918 09.1918
361 Birney 1918 09.1918
362 Birney 1918 09.1918
363 Birney 1918 09.1918
364 Birney 1918 09.1918
365 Birney 1918 09.1918
366 Birney 1918 09.1918
367 Birney 1918 09.1918
368 Birney 1918 09.1918
369 Birney 1918 09.1918
370 Birney 1918 09.1918
371 Birney 1918 09.1918
372 Birney 1918 09.1918
373 Birney 1918 09.1918
374 Birney 1918 09.1918
375 Birney 1918 09.1918
376 Birney 1918 09.1918
377 Birney 1918 09.1918
378 Birney 1918 09.1918
379 Birney 1918 09.1918
380 Birney 1918 09.1918
381 Birney 1918 09.1918
382 Birney 1918 09.1918
383 Birney 1920 11.1920
384 Birney 1920 11.1920
385 Birney 1920 11.1920
386 Birney 1920 11.1920
387 Birney 1920 11.1920
388 Birney 1920 11.1920
(16) Birney 1916 1923 1923 1934 Not used. 1923 ex Everett, 16
(17) Birney 1916 1923 1923 1934 Not used. 1923 ex Everett, 17
(18) Birney 1916 1923 1923 1934 Not used. 1923 ex Everett, 18
(19) Birney 1916 1923 1923 1934 Not used. 1923 ex Everett, 19
389 Birney 1917 1923 1923 ex Everett, 2; 1920 ex Bellingham, 207
390 Birney 1917 1923 1923 ex Everett, 3; 1920 ex Bellingham, 208
391 Birney 1917 1923 1923 ex Everett, 4
392 Birney 1917 1923 1923 ex Everett, 5
(350) Birney 1917 1932 1932 Not used. 1932 ex Olympia, 350; 1924 ex Tacoma, 350
(351) Birney 1917 1932 1932 Not used. 1932 ex Olympia, 351; 1924 ex Tacoma, 351
(352) Birney 1917 1932 1932 Not used. 1932 ex Olympia, 352; 1924 ex Tacoma, 352
(353) Birney 1917 1932 1932 Not used. 1932 ex Olympia, 353; 1924 ex Tacoma, 353
(354) Birney 1918 1932 1932 Not used. 1932 ex Olympia, 354; 1924 ex Tacoma, 354
(355) Birney 1918 1932 1932 Not used. 1932 ex Olympia, 355; 1924 ex Tacoma, 355

Datensätze angezeigt: 99 aus 99


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