TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

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Lorain, Lorain & Cleveland Electric Railway

1895 East Lorain Street Railway → 1896 Lorain & Cleveland Electric Railway. 1901 to Lake Shore Electric Railway

Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Modelis Raž. Līdz... Piezīme
10 Brill interurban motor car 1896 ≤ 1901 1901 to Lake Shore Electric (?), (note)
11 Brill interurban motor car 1896 ≤ 1901 1901 to Lake Shore Electric (?), (note)
12 Brill interurban motor car 1896 ≤ 1901 1901 to Lake Shore Electric (?), (note)
13 Brill interurban motor car 1896 ≤ 1901 1901 to Lake Shore Electric (?), (note)
14 Brill interurban motor car 1896 ≤ 1901 1901 to Lake Shore Electric (?), (note)
15 Brill interurban motor car 1896 ≤ 1901 1901 to Lake Shore Electric (?), (note)
16 Brill interurban motor car 1896 ≤ 1901 1901 to Lake Shore Electric (?), (note)
17 Brill interurban motor car 1896 ≤ 1901 1901 to Lake Shore Electric (?), (note)
J Brill 4-axle motor car 1897 Flat motor with plow. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, J; 1911 to 400
1 2-axle motor car 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 120; 1903 to work service
18 Brill interurban motor car 1898 1901 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 58; 1907 to Lorain, 58
19 Brill interurban motor car 1898 1901 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 59; 1907 to work service; 1914 to 451
55 Brill interurban motor car 1898 1901 1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 40
56 Brill interurban motor car 1898 1901 1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 41; 1907 to work service; 1929 to 49
64 Brill interurban motor car 1898 1901 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 50; 1925 to Lorain, 50
? 2-axle motor car 1890-ie gs. 25.09.1901 to Lake Shore Electric, 200

Parādītie ieraksti: 16 no 16

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