TransphotoSähköinen kaupunkiliikenne


Huntington, WV, Ohio Valley Electric Railway

1887 Huntington Electric Light & Street Railway Co. → 1892 Consolidated Light & Railway Co. → 1901-1938 Ohio Valley Electric Railway

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

# Malli Valmistettu Meno Huom.
101 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1913 ???? to Altoona, 173
102 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1913 ???? to Altoona, 174
103 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1913 ???? to Altoona, 175
104 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1913 ???? to Altoona, 176
105 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1913 ???? to Altoona, 177
106 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1913 ???? to Altoona, 178
107 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1913 ???? to Altoona, 179
108 St. Louis 2-axle motor car 1913 ???? to Altoona, 180
134 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1913
135 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1913
136 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1913
137 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1913
138 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1913
139 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1913
140 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1913
141 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1913
142 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1913
143 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1913
200 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
201 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
202 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
203 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
204 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
205 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
206 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
207 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
208 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
209 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
210 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
211 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
212 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
213 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
214 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
215 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
216 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
217 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
218 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
219 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
220 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
221 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
222 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
223 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
224 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 ≈ 1936 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
225 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1923 1938 to Allentown, 410
226 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1926 1935/36 to Columbus Railway Power & Light Co. (Columbus, Ohio)
227 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1923 1938 to Allentown, 411
228 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1923 1938 to Allentown, 412
229 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1923 1938 to Allentown, 413
230 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1923 1938 to Allentown, 414
231 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1923 1938 to Allentown, 415
232 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1923 1938 to Allentown, 416
233 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1923 1938 to Allentown, 417
234 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1923 1938 to Allentown, 418
235 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1923 1938 to Allentown, 419
236 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1923 1938 to Allentown, 420
237 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1923 1938 to Allentown, 421
238 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1923 1938 to Allentown, 422
239 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1923 1938 to Allentown, 423

Näytetyt tietueet: 58 / 58


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