TransphotoSähköinen kaupunkiliikenne


Ironwood, Lake Superior District Power Co.

1890 Twin City Railway → 1891 Twin City General Electric Co. → 1910 Gogebic & Iron County Railway & Light Co. → 1911 Ironwood & Bessemer Railway & Light Co. → 1922–1932 Lake Superior District Power Co.

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

# Malli Valmistettu Tulo Meno Huom.
16 Birney 1917 1917 1922 to Ashland, 16
17 Birney 1917 1917 1922 to Ashland, 17
18 Birney 1917 1917 1922 to Ashland, 18
100 Birney 1923 1923
101 Birney 1923 1923
102 Birney 1923 1923
103 Birney 1923 1923
104 American 4-axle motor car 1923 1923 1933 23.10.1934 to New York City, 1251
105 American 4-axle motor car 1923 1923 1933 16.10.1934 to New York City, 1252
106 American 4-axle motor car 1923 1923 1933 03.10.1934 to New York City, 1253
107 American 4-axle motor car 1923 1923 1933 12.10.1934 to New York City, 1254
108 American 4-axle motor car 1923 1923 1933 08.11.1934 to New York City, 1255
109 American 4-axle motor car 1925 1925 1933 01.11.1934 to New York City, 1256

Näytetyt tietueet: 13 / 13


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