TransphotoSähköinen kaupunkiliikenne


Oneonta, Southern New York Railway

1897 Oneonta & Otsego Valley RR → 1900 Oneonta Cooperstown & Richfield Springs Ry. → 1906 Oneonta & Mohawk Valley Ry. → 1908 Otsego & Herkimer RR → 1916 Southern New York Power & Ry. Co. → 1924–1940 Southern New York Ry.

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

Lajitteluperuste:  kylkinumero  ·  kylkinumero (ryhmiteltynä)  ·  rekisteritunnus  ·  Sarjanumero ja rekisteritunnus  ·  tuloajankohta  ·  lähtöajankohta  ·  valmistusajankohta  ·  romutusajankohta  ·  + muistiinpanot

# Malli Valmistettu Tulo Meno Romutettu Huom.
10 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901
11 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901
12 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901
13 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901
14 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901
15 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901
16 St. Louis interurban motor car 1901 ???? to 50
17 St. Louis interurban motor car 1901 ???? to 51
50 St. Louis interurban motor car 1901 ???? ???? ex 16
51 St. Louis interurban motor car 1901 ???? ???? ex 17
93 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901 1919 1919 ex Otsego. 1923 to work service
93 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901 1923 Freight car. 1923 ex revenue service; 1919 ex Otsego
Otsego St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1901 Parlor car. 1919 to 93; 1923 to work service
18 St. Louis interurban motor car 1902 ???? to 52
19 St. Louis interurban motor car 1902 ???? to 53
20 St. Louis interurban motor car 1902 ???? to 54
21 St. Louis interurban motor car 1902 ???? to 55
52 St. Louis interurban motor car 1902 ???? ???? ex 18
53 St. Louis interurban motor car 1902 ???? ???? ex 19
54 St. Louis interurban motor car 1902 ???? ???? ex 20
55 St. Louis interurban motor car 1902 ???? ???? ex 21
90 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1902
91 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1902
92 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1902
93 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1902
94 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1902
95 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1902
96 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1902
30 Brill 2-axle motor car 1906
203 Brill 4-axle motor car 1906 Freight motor
62 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1908 1923 to Cedar Rapids, 162; 1939 to 109; 1950 to work service
64 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1908
63 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1908 1925
61 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1908 1923 to Cedar Rapids, 163
214 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1910 1926 Freight motor. 1926 ex Buffalo, C4
215 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1910 1926 Freight motor. 1926 ex Buffalo, C3
5 Brill snow removal car 1911 Snow sweeper
64 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1911 1923 to Cedar Rapids, 164; 1934 to 78
201 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1911 Freight motor
80 Wason 4-axle motor car 1914 1929 1941 Freight motor. 1929 ex Albany, 25. 1941 to Jamestown, 380
204 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1915 Freight motor
1 2-axle motor car 01.1898 01.1898 ex Boston, 944; ???? ex Horse car
2 2-axle motor car 01.1898 01.1898 ex Boston, 963; ???? ex Horse car
3 2-axle motor car 01.1898 01.1898 ex Boston, 964; 11.1892 ex Horse car
4 2-axle motor car 01.1898 01.1898 ex Boston, 965; 11.1892 ex Horse car
5 2-axle motor car 01.1898 01.1898 ex Boston, 966; 11.1892 ex Horse car

Näytetyt tietueet: 46 / 46


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