TransphotoTransports Électriques de Ville


Fort Wayne, Indiana Service Corp.

1872 Citizens Street Railroad Co. → 1887 Fort Wayne Street Railroad Co. → 1892 Fort Wayne Electric Railway Co. → 1895 Fort Wayne Consolidated Railway Co. → 1899 Fort Wayne Traction Co. → 1904 Fort Wayne & Wabash Valley Traction Co. → 1911 Fort Wayne & Northern Indiana Traction Co. → 1920–1947 Indiana Service Corp.

Service:  n'importe quel  ·  passager  ·  entretien / fret  ·  musée

N°. Modèle Construit Depuis... Jusqu'à... Remarques
17 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 1900 ???? 1923 Service car. Ex 101–108 series passenger car
34 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1904 1933 Freight motor. 1933 ex 42; 1921 ex Ohio Electric, 87; 01.09.1907 ex Fort Wayne, 2
35 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1904 1933 Freight motor. 1933 ex 43; 1921 ex Ohio Electric, 88; 01.09.1907 ex Fort Wayne, 3
47 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1909 1927 Freight motor. 1927 ex 310
54 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1906 Freight motor. 1929 (?) to 854
55 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1906 Freight motor. 1929 (?) to 855
56 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1909 Freight motor. 1929 (?) to 856; 10.1934 to Indiana Railroad, 856; 1936 (?) to 733
57 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1909 Freight motor. 1929 (?) to 857; 10.1934 to Indiana Railroad, 857; 1936 (?) to 734
58 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1917 Freight motor. 1929 (?) to 858; 10.1934 to Indiana Railroad, 858; 1936 (?) to 735
59 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1917 Freight motor. 1929 (?) to 859; 10.1934 to Indiana Railroad, 859; 1936 (?) to 736
845 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1905 1933 Freight car. 1933 ex 45; 1921 ex Ohio Electric, 80; 01.09.1907 ex Fort Wayne, 5
846 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1905 1933 Freight car. 1933 ex 46; 1921 ex Ohio Electric, 81; 01.09.1907 ex Fort Wayne, 6
847 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1909 1927 Freight motor. 1927 ex 47; 1921 ex Ohio Electric, 295. 1934 to Indiana Railroad, 728
853 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1905 1933 Freight car. 1933 ex 44; 1921 ex Ohio Electric, 79; 01.09.1907 ex Fort Wayne, 4
854 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1906 ≈ 1929 Freight motor. 1929 (?) ex 54
855 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1906 ≈ 1929 Freight motor. 1929 (?) ex 55
856 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1909 ≈ 1929 Freight motor. 1929 (?) ex 56. 10.1934 to Indiana Railroad, 856; 1936 (?) to 733
857 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1909 ≈ 1929 Freight motor. 1929 (?) ex 57. 10.1934 to Indiana Railroad, 857; 1936 (?) to 734
858 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1917 ≈ 1929 Freight motor. 1929 (?) ex 58. 10.1934 to Indiana Railroad, 858; 1936 (?) to 735
859 St. Louis 4-axle motor car 1917 ≈ 1929 Freight motor. 1929 (?) ex 59. 10.1934 to Indiana Railroad, 859; 1936 (?) to 736

Enregistrements affichés : 20 à partir de 20

Code de couleurs

En opération
Pas encore autorisé pour le service
Hors service
Abandonné / Stockage mort
L'emplacement et le statut sont inconnus
Modernisé (modèle changé)
Renuméroté ou transféré dans la ville
Transféré à une autre ville
Changement de plaques d'immatriculation (dans la même entreprise)


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