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Yakima, Yakima Valley Transportation Co.

1906 Yakima Inter-Valley Traction Co. → 1907–1985 Yakima Valley Transportation Co. (passenger service ceased 1947)

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

Lajitteluperuste:  kylkinumero  ·  kylkinumero (ryhmiteltynä)  ·  rekisteritunnus  ·  Sarjanumero ja rekisteritunnus  ·  tuloajankohta  ·  lähtöajankohta  ·  valmistusajankohta  ·  romutusajankohta  ·  + muistiinpanot

# Malli Sarjanumero Valmistettu Tulo Meno Romutettu Huom.
1 Danville 2-axle motor car 09.1908 1926
2 Danville 2-axle motor car 09.1908 1926
3 Danville 2-axle motor car 09.1908 1930
4 Danville 2-axle motor car 01.1910 1930
5 Danville 2-axle motor car 01.1910 1930
6 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1910 07.1947
7 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1910 07.1947
8 American 2-axle motor car 08.1910 1930
9 American 2-axle motor car 08.1910 1930
10 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1907 10.1914 10.1939 10.1914 ex New York City, 154
11 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1907 10.1914 10.1939 10.1914 ex New York City, 155
20 American 4-axle motor car 1930 1930 09.1947 09.1947 to Portland, OR, 4008; 1959 to Snoqualmie, 20; 2018 to Yakima, 20
21 American 4-axle motor car 1930 1930 09.1947 09.1947 to Portland, OR, 4009; 1959 to Snoqualmie, 21; 1989 to Yakima, 21
22 American 4-axle motor car 1930 1930 09.1947 09.1947 to Portland, OR, 4010; 1959 to Snoqualmie, 22; 1989 to Yakima, 22
101 Brill 4-axle motor car 06.1910 1930
297 Baldwin-Westinghouse locomotive 56937 1923 1942 1985 1942 ex Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad, E100. 1942 ex Los Angeles, 22. 1985 to Perris, 297
298 General Electric electric locomotive 8788 1922 1985 to City of Yakima
299 Baldwin-Westinghouse locomotive 32061 1907 10.1958
A Niles 4-axle motor car 1910 Flat car; 1922 to line car. 1985 to City of Yakima

Näytetyt tietueet: 19 / 19


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