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Jeffersonville, Public Service of Indiana

1888 Ohio Falls Street Railway Co. → 1889 Jefferson City Railway Co. → 1903 Louisville & Southern Indiana Traction Co. → 1912 Interstate Public Service Co. (local operation) → 1931–1934 Public Service of Indiana

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č. Typ Výroba Since... To... Poznámka
80 Birney 1918 1934 1934 to New Albany, 80
81 Birney 1918 1934 1934 to New Albany, 81
82 Birney 1918 1936 1936 to Indiana Railroad, 473
83 Birney 1918 1934 1934 to New Albany, 83
84 Birney 1918 1934 1934 to New Albany, 84
85 Birney 1918 1934 1934 to New Albany, 85
86 Birney 1918 1934 1934 to New Albany, 86
87 Birney 1918 1934 1934 to New Albany, 87
88 Birney 1918 1934 1934 to New Albany, 88
89 Birney 1918 1936 1936 to Indiana Railroad, 474
251 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924
252 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924
253 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 1934 1934 to New Albany, 253
254 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924
255 Cincinnati 4-axle motor car 1924 1934 1934 to New Albany, 255
261 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1927 1934 07.1936 to Indiana Railroad, 200
262 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1927 1934 07.1936 to Indiana Railroad, 201
263 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1927 1934 07.1936 to Indiana Railroad, 202; 1940 to Portland, OR, 4001; 1960 to San Francisco, 4001
264 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1927 1934 07.1936 to Indiana Railroad, 203
265 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1927 1934 07.1936 to Indiana Railroad, 204
266 Kuhlman 4-axle motor car 1927 1934 07.1936 to Indiana Railroad, 205; 1940 to Portland, OR, 4003; 1989 to Yakima, 4003; 1993 to Union, 205
90 Birney 1921 1925 1936 1925 ex Somerset (Kentucky). 1936 to Indiana Railroad, 486
91 Birney 1921 1925 1934 1925 ex Somerset (Kentucky). 1936 to New Albany, 91
92 Birney 1919 1927 1934 1927 ex Eastern Massachusetts Street Railway. 1934 to New Albany, 92
93 Birney 1919 1927 1934 1927 ex Eastern Massachusetts Street Railway. 1934 to New Albany, 93
94 Birney 1919 1927 1934 1927 ex Eastern Massachusetts Street Railway. 1934 to New Albany, 94
95 Birney 1919 1927 1934 1927 ex Eastern Massachusetts Street Railway. 1934 to New Albany, 95

Zobrazené: 27 z 27

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