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Augusta, ME, Augusta, Winthrop & Gardiner Street Railway Co.

1890 Augusta Hallowell & Gardiner Railroad → 1902–1907 Augusta, Winthrop and Gardiner Street Railway. 1907 to Lewiston Augusta & Waterville Street Railway

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típus Gy. kezdete vége S Megjegyzés
15 2-axle motor car 1894 1907 Purchased used
26 4-axle motor car 1898 ≈ 1905 1907 ≈1905 ex Metropolitan St. Ry., NYC
3 Newburyport 2-axle motor car 1890 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 3
4 Newburyport 2-axle motor car 1890 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 4
5 Newburyport 2-axle motor car 1890 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 5
6 Newburyport 2-axle motor car 1890 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 6
7 Newburyport 2-axle motor car 1890 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 7
8 Newburyport 2-axle motor car 1890 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 8
9 Newburyport 2-axle motor car 1890 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 9
10 Newburyport 2-axle motor car 1890 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 10
11 Newburyport 2-axle motor car 1890 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 11
12 Newburyport 2-axle motor car 1891 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 12
13 Newburyport 2-axle motor car 1891 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 13
14 Newburyport 2-axle motor car 1891 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 14
16 Briggs 2-axle motor car 1892 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 16
17 Laconia 2-axle motor car 1898 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 10
18 Laconia 2-axle motor car 1898 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 12; ???? to work service
19 Laconia 4-axle motor car 1902 “Cobbosseecontee”. 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 110
20 Laconia 4-axle motor car 1902 “Maranacook”. 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 108
22 Laconia 4-axle motor car 1901 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 41
23 Laconia 4-axle motor car 1901 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 43
24 St. Louis 'Third Ave. Standard' motor 1899 1901 “Worromontogus”. 1901 ex Metropolitan St. Ry., New York City. 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 112
25 Laconia 4-axle motor car 1905 1907 to Lewiston, ME, 45
21 Briggs 2-axle motor car 1893 1901 1907 1907 Burned. 1901 ex South Paris, 7; 1900 ex Rockland, 12

Adatok: 24 az 24-ból

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