TransphotoElektromos városi közlekedés


Milano, Azienda Trasporti Milanesi S.p.A., ATM series 5200

Since 1931.

Felhasználás:  mindegy  ·  forgalmi  ·  szolgálati / üzemi  ·  nosztalgia

Gy. vége Megjegyzés
5200 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5201 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5202 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5203 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5204 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5205 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5206 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5207 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5208 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5209 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5210 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5211 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5212 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5213 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5214 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5215 1951 ???? to ATM Baggio, ATM series 5100 # 5137
5216 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5217 1952 1972 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5218 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5219 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5220 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5221 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5222 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5223 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5224 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5225 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5226 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5227 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5228 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5229 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5230 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5231 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5232 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5233 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5234 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5235 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5236 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5237 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5238 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5239 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5240 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5241 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5242 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5243 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5244 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5245 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5246 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5247 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5248 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5249 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5250 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5251 1952 1973 Used to build the Breda M8/3 series

Adatok: 52 az 52-ból

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