TransphotoElektrischer Nahverkehr


Frankfurt am Main, Unknown depot

Verwendungszweck:  beliebig  ·  Linienfahrzeuge  ·  Arbeitswagen  ·  Museumsfahrzeuge

Sortieren nach:  Wagennummer  ·  Wagennummer  ·  Kennzeichen  ·  Fabrik-Nr. und Kennzeichen  ·  Anlieferung  ·  Ausmusterung  ·  Baujahr  ·  Verschrottung  ·  + Bemerkung

Nr. Typ Bj. von... Inbetr. bis... Verschr. Bemerkung
1736 Fuchs Type II 1956 1966 1975 1966 ex Offenbach am Main, 102; 1963 ex 158
1737 Fuchs Type II 1956 1967 1978 1967 ex Offenbach am Main, 103; 1963 ex 159
1738 Fuchs Type II 1956 1967 1977 1967 ex Offenbach am Main, 104; 1963 ex 160
1808 Duewag B4
1820 Duewag m trailer 1964 1997 to Galaţi, 328
1826 Duewag B4
2001 Frankfurt type A 1899 1914 03.1944 Mail car. 1914 ex 42
2001 Frankfurt type B 1902 1954 1957 1954 ex 207
2001 Frankfurt type At 1954 1968 1977 1968 ex Credé Verbandstyp motor car # 110. 1977 to 2011
2001 Frankfurt type At 1954 1977 06.2020 06.2020 scrapped in Trier-Ehrang. 1977 ex Credé Verbandstyp motor car # 111
2002 Frankfurt type A 1899 1914 03.1944 Rebuilt to Mail car in 1914. 1914 ex 43
2002 Frankfurt type B 1902 1955 1959 1955 ex 253; 1954 ex 213; 1924 ex 198
2002 Frankfurt type B 1904 1955 1955 ex 256; 1954 ex 216. 01.1955 to 2003
2002 Frankfurt type C 1913 1960 1963 1960 ex 367; 1924 ex 382
2003 2-axle motor car 1900 1914 03.1944 1914 ex 501
2003 Frankfurt type B 1904 1955 1959 01.1955 ex 2002; 1955 ex 256; 1954 ex 216
2003 Frankfurt type C 1913 1960 1962 1960 ex 357
2004 2-axle motor car 1900 1914 03.1944 Mail car. 1914 ex 502
2005 2-axle motor car 1900 1914 1960 Mail car. Used as Advertising car after the closure of the mail service on 31.12.1951. 1914 ex 503
2005 Frankfurt type C 1913 1960 1962 1960 ex 352; 1924 ex 367
2006 2-axle motor car 1900 1914 1955 Mail car. Used as Advertising car after the closure of the mail service on 31.12.1951. 1914 ex 504
2006 Frankfurt type At 1954 1977 1991 1977 ex 2013; 1969 ex Credé Verbandstyp motor car # 113
2007 2-axle motor car 1900 1914 1957 Почтовый. 1914 ex 505
2007 Frankfurt type At 1954 1975 1991 1991 1975 ex Credé Verbandstyp motor car # 114
2008 2-axle motor car 1900 1914 03.1944 Mail car. 1914 ex 506
2008 Frankfurt type At 1954 1975 1991 1991 1975 ex Credé Verbandstyp motor car # 117
2009 2-axle motor car 1900 1914 1955 Mail car. 1914 ex 507
2009 Frankfurt type At 1954 1975 1992 1975 ex Credé Verbandstyp motor car # 118
2010 Frankfurt type B 1907 1942 1951 Почтовый. 1942 ex 309
2010 Frankfurt type At 1954 1975 1991 1991 1975 ex Credé Verbandstyp motor car # 119
2011 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1935 1924 ex 41
2011 Frankfurt type B 1907 1935 1935 ex 296. 1942 to 2041
2011 Frankfurt type B 1908 1942 03.1944 Почтовый. 1942 ex 332
2011 Frankfurt type At 1954 1977 06.2020 06.2020 1993 to Inzell; 05.2008 back to Eckenheim. 1977 ex 2001; 1968 ex Credé Verbandstyp motor car # 110
2012 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 Почтовый. 1924 ex 44. 1942 to 2043
2012 Frankfurt type B 1908 1942 03.1944 Почтовый. 1942 ex 337
2013 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1936 1924 ex 45
2013 Frankfurt type B 1907 1935 1944 1935 ex 294
2013 Frankfurt type B 1900 1954 1956 1954 ex 208; 1935 ex Frankfurt type AC # 166; 1912 ex Frankfurt type A
2013 Frankfurt type At 1954 1969 1977 1969 ex Credé Verbandstyp motor car # 113. 1977 to 2006
2014 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1935 1924 ex 46
2014 Frankfurt type B 1907 1935 1956 1935 ex 287
2014 Frankfurt type C 1913 1957 1960 1957 ex 360
2015 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1953 1924 ex 47
2015 Frankfurt type At 1954 1974 06.2020 06.2020 1974 ex Credé Verbandstyp motor car # 116
2016 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1953 1924 ex 48
2017 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1944 1924 ex 40
2017 Frankfurt type B 1900 1954 1959 1954 ex 298; 1946 ex 198; 1936 ex Frankfurt type AC # 161; 1912 ex Frankfurt type A
2017 Frankfurt type C 1913 1959 1961 1959 ex 370; 1924 ex 385
2018 Frankfurt type B 1908 1924 1935 1924 ex 328
2018 Frankfurt type B 1906 1955 1956 1955 ex 271; 1954 ex 241
2019 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1935 1924 ex 27
2019 Frankfurt type B 1905 1935 1944 1935 ex 231
2019 2-axle motor car 1911 1955 1970 Грузовой. 1955 ex 19
2020 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1952 1924 ex 28
2020 Frankfurt type B 1906 1952 1952 ex 256. 1956 to 2023
2021 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1952 1924 ex 30
2021 Schörling 2-axle service car 1951 1960 06.08.1976 1960 ex Hamburg, 2040; 1954 ex A, 1705. 1976 to Karlsruhe, 399; 1982 to 99; 1994 to 499
2022 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1958 1924 ex 117
2022 Frankfurt type C 1913 1958 1961 1958 ex 359
2022 Fuchs Type I 1944 1970 1986 1986 1970 ex 554; 1947 ex Fuchs Type JC # 559
2023 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1925 1924 ex 121
2023 Frankfurt type A 1899 1925 1936 Служебный. 1925 ex 27; 1924 ex 65
2023 Frankfurt type B 1907 1936 1951 1936 ex 320
2023 Frankfurt type B 1906 1956 1956 1956 ex 2020; 1952 ex 256
2023 Frankfurt type C 1913 1958 1966 1958 ex 358
2024 Frankfurt type B 1904 1924 1944 1924 ex 212
2024 2-axle motor car 1899 1955 1959 Вышка. 1955 ex 22; 1935 ex Bad Homburg, 10
2024 Frankfurt type V 1910 1959 1972 Вышка. 1959 ex 318; 1955 ex 18
2025 Frankfurt type B 1907 1943 1959 1943 ex 303
2026 2-axle motor car 1899 1955 1959 1955 ex 20; 1935 ex Bad Homburg, 8
2026 Frankfurt type V 1910 1958 1964 1958 ex 312; 1955 ex 12
2026 Frankfurt type VH 1910 1964 1969 1964 ex 396; 1959 ex Frankfurt type V; 1949 ex 478; 1924 ex 351
2027 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1936 1924 ex 97
2027 Frankfurt type B 1906 1936 1944 1936 ex 275
2027 2-axle motor car 1899 1955 1959 1955 ex 21; 1935 ex Bad Homburg, 9
2027 Frankfurt type V 1910 1958 1964 1958 ex 314; 1955 ex 14
2027 Frankfurt type VHe 1910 1964 1964 ex 400; 1962 ex Frankfurt type VH; 1958 ex Frankfurt type V; 1949 ex 483; 1929 ex Frankfurt typе v # 803. 1971 to 400
2028 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1943 1924 ex 2
2028 Frankfurt type VH 1910 1963 1964 1963 ex 302; 1958 ex Frankfurt type V; 1955 ex 2
2028 Frankfurt type VHe 1910 1964 1970 1964 ex 398; 1962 ex Frankfurt type VH; 1958 ex Frankfurt type V; 1949 ex 481; 1924 ex 354
2029 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1943 1924 ex 5
2030 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1952 1924 ex 31
2033 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1954 1924 ex 4
2034 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1954 1924 ex 1
2036 Frankfurt type A 1899 1924 1951 1924 ex 3
2037 Frankfurt type B 1905 1930 1952 1930 ex 232
2037 Frankfurt type AC 1900 1952 1957 1952 ex 152; 1912 ex Frankfurt type A
2037 Frankfurt type C 1913 1957 1962 1957 ex 364; 1924 ex 379
2038 Frankfurt type B 1907 1930 1935 1930 ex 305
2038 Frankfurt type B 1906 1935 1953 1935 ex 279
2039 Frankfurt type AC 1900 1938 1952 1938 ex 135; 1912 ex Frankfurt type A
2039 Frankfurt type AC 1900 1952 1956 1952 ex 158; 1912 ex Frankfurt type A
2039 Frankfurt type C 1913 1957 1962 1957 ex 365; 1924 ex 380
2040 Frankfurt type AC 1900 1938 1951 1938 ex 142; 1936 ex 123; 1912 ex Frankfurt type A
2040 Frankfurt type AC 1900 1952 1956 1952 ex 153; 1912 ex Frankfurt type A
2040 Frankfurt type C 1913 1957 1961 1957 ex 368; 1924 ex 383
2040 Schöma workcar 1970 28.05.1971 Manufacturer: Schöttler (SCHÖMA), Diepholz. 1996 to Wehmingen, 2040
2041 Frankfurt type B 1907 1942 1954 1942 ex 2011; 1935 ex 296
2042 Frankfurt type B 1908 1942 1952 1942 ex 346
2043 Frankfurt type A 1899 1942 1954 1942 ex 2012; 1924 ex 44
2044 Frankfurt type B 1907 1946 1956 1946 ex 315
2044 Frankfurt type E 1899 1956 1965 Служебный. 1956 ex 98; 1954 ex 118; 1924 ex Frankfurt type A # 74
2254 Frankfurt typе du 1904 1932 1963 1932 ex 601; 1923 ex 2-axle trailer car
2264 Frankfurt typе du 1904 1932 1959 1932 ex 602; 1923 ex 2-axle trailer car
2316 2-axle trailer car 1911 1961 Поливочный прицеп. 1961 ex Frankfurt typе v # 1367; 1955 ex Lokalbahn, 67. 1973 to Neu-Isenburg, 2102

Datensätze angezeigt: 106 aus 1606



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