TransphotoElektromos városi közlekedés


Southend-on-Sea, The Pier Railway


Felhasználás:  mindegy  ·  forgalmi  ·  szolgálati / üzemi  ·  nosztalgia

típus Gy.
(-) 4-axle battery car 2021

Adatok: 1 az 69-ból

Selejtezett, eladott és átépített járművek

típus Gy. kezdete vége Megjegyzés
- Falcon 2-axle motor car 1890 1890 1949 Luggage motor. 1949 to 29
1 Brush 2-axle trailer car 1902 1902 ≤ 1949 Crossbench leader
1 2-axle motor car 1949 1949 1978 Saloon motor
2 2-axle trailer car 1891 1891 ≤ 1949 Crossbench trailer
2 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1978 Saloon trailer
3 Brush 2-axle motor car ≈ 1899 ≈ 1899 ≤ 1949 Crossbench motor
3 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1978 Saloon trailer
4 2-axle trailer car 1893 1893 ≤ 1949 Crossbench leader
4 2-axle motor car 1949 1949 1978 Saloon motor
5 2-axle trailer car 1893 1893 ≤ 1949 Crossbench trailer
5 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1978 Saloon trailer
6 2-axle motor car 1902 ≈ 1902 ≤ 1949 Closed motor
6 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1978 Saloon trailer
7 Brush 2-axle motor car 1899 1899 ≤ 1949 Crossbench leader
7 2-axle motor car 1949 1949 1978 Saloon motor
8 Brush 2-axle motor car 1899 1899 ≤ 1949 Crossbench leader
8 2-axle motor car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon motor. 1970 to work service
8 2-axle motor car 1949 1970 1978 Freight car. 1970 ex revenue service
8 2-axle motor car 1949 1970 1978 Saloon motor. 1970 ex 22
9 Brush 2-axle motor car 1899 1899 ≤ 1949 Crossbench leader
9 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon trailer
9 2-axle trailer car 1949 1970 1978 Saloon trailer. 1970 ex 23
10 2-axle motor car 1902 ≈ 1902 ≤ 1949 Closed motor
10 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon trailer
10 2-axle trailer car 1949 1970 1978 Saloon trailer. 1970 ex 24
11 Brush 2-axle trailer car 1899 1899 ≤ 1949 Crossbench trailer
11 2-axle motor car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon motor
11 2-axle motor car 1949 1970 1978 Saloon motor. 1970 ex 25
12 Brush 2-axle trailer car 1899 1899 ≤ 1949 Crossbench trailer
12 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon trailer
12 2-axle trailer car 1949 1970 1970 Saloon trailer. 1970 ex 17
13 Brush 2-axle trailer car 1902 1902 ≤ 1949 Crossbench leader
13 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon trailer
13 2-axle trailer car 1949 1970 1978 Saloon trailer. 1970 ex 27
14 Brush 2-axle trailer car 1902 1902 ≤ 1949 Crossbench leader
14 2-axle motor car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon motor
14 2-axle motor car 1949 1970 1978 Saloon motor. 1970 ex 28
15 Brush 2-axle trailer car 1902 1902 ≤ 1949 Crossbench leader
15 2-axle motor car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon motor
16 Brush 2-axle motor car 1902 1902 ≤ 1949 Crossbench motor, 1925 to saloon
16 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon trailer
17 Brush 2-axle trailer car 1909 1909 ≤ 1949 Saloon trailer
17 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon trailer. 1970 to 12
18 Brush 2-axle trailer car 1909 1909 ≤ 1949 Crossbench leader
18 2-axle motor car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon motor
19 Brush 2-axle trailer car 1909 1909 ≤ 1949 Crossbench leader
19 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon trailer
20 Brush 2-axle trailer car 1909 1909 ≤ 1949 Crossbench trailer
20 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon trailer
21 Brush 2-axle trailer car 1909 1909 ≤ 1949 Crossbench trailer
21 2-axle motor car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon motor
22 Brush 2-axle trailer car 1912 1912 ≤ 1949 Crossbench trailer
22 2-axle motor car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon motor. 1970 to 8
23 Brush 2-axle trailer car 1912 1912 ≤ 1949 Crossbench trailer
23 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon trailer. 1970 to 9
24 Brush 2-axle trailer car 1912 1912 ≤ 1949 Crossbench trailer
24 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon trailer. 1970 to 10
25 Brush 2-axle trailer car 1912 1912 ≤ 1949 Crossbench trailer
25 2-axle motor car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon motor. 1970 to 11
26 2-axle trailer car 1913 1913 ≤ 1949 Crossbench trailer
26 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1978 Saloon trailer
27 2-axle trailer car 1913 1913 ≤ 1949 Crossbench trailer
27 2-axle trailer car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon trailer. 1970 to 13
28 2-axle trailer car 1913 1913 ≤ 1949 Crossbench trailer
28 2-axle motor car 1949 1949 1970 Saloon motor. 1970 to 14
29 2-axle trailer car 1913 1913 ≤ 1949 Crossbench trailer
29 Falcon 2-axle motor car 1890 1949 1970 Luggage motor. 1949 ex -
30 2-axle motor car Flat truck

Adatok: 68 az 69-ból

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