TransPhotoElektrická Městská Doprava

Seznam vozového parku

ATM series 5300

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č. Výroba Do... Město Vozovna Poznámka
5301 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5302 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5303 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5304 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5305 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5306 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5307 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5308 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5309 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5310 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5311 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5312 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5313 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5314 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5315 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5316 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5317 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5318 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5319 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5320 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5321 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5322 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5323 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5324 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5325 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5326 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5327 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5328 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5329 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5330 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5331 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5332 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5333 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5334 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5335 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series
5336 1955 1973 Milán ATM Used to build the Breda M8/3 series

Zobrazeno: 36 z 36

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Výměna SPZ (v rámci podniku)


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