TransphotoSähköinen kaupunkiliikenne


West End 4-axle motor car

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

Lajitteluperuste:  sarjanumero  ·  vuosi ja sarjanumero  ·  valmistusajankohta  ·  tuloajankohta  ·  lähtöajankohta  ·  romutusajankohta  ·  + muistiinpanot

# Valmistettu Tulo Meno Romutettu Kaupunki Liikennöitsijä/varikko Huom.
1939 1890 1890 10.1904 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. Burned in the Forest Hills carhouse fire of 1904
1938 1890 1890 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
1940 1890 1890 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
1941 1890 1890 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
1942 1890 1890 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
1943 1890 1890 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
1944 1890 1890 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
1945 1890 1890 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
1946 1890 1890 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
1947 1890 1890 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
1948 1890 1890 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
258 04.1890 1897 1920 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. 1897 ex 3-axle motor car
51 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. 1919 to H. R. Barker, New York
435 1891 1891 1899 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. Wrecked in 1899. 1891 ex Newburyport 2-axle motor car
440 1891 1891 04.1918 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. Burned in the Clarendon carhouse fire. 1891 ex Newburyport 2-axle motor car
37 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
46 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
53 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
63 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
75 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
111 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
123 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
148 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
149 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
161 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
167 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
170 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
173 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
195 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
429 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. 1891 ex Newburyport 2-axle motor car
431 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. 1891 ex Newburyport 2-axle motor car
437 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. 1891 ex Newburyport 2-axle motor car
438 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. 1891 ex Newburyport 2-axle motor car
444 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. 1891 ex Newburyport 2-axle motor car
618 1891 1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
181 1891 1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
443 1891 1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. 1891 ex Newburyport 2-axle motor car
52 1891 1891 1923 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
442 1891 1891 1923 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. 1891 ex Newburyport 2-axle motor car
434 1891 1891 1925 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. 1891 ex Newburyport 2-axle motor car
433 1891 1924 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. Sand car. 1924 ex revenue service; 1891 ex Newburyport 2-axle motor car
436 1891 1925 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. Sand car. 1925 ex revenue service; 1891 ex Newburyport 2-axle motor car
381 1892 1892 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
382 1892 1892 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
409 1892 1892 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
458 1892 1892 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
471 1892 1892 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
537 1892 1892 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
557 1892 1892 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
561 1892 1892 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
826 1892 1892 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
834 1892 1892 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
850 1892 1892 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
87 1892 1915 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. Sand car. 1915 ex revenue service
827 1892 1922 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. Instruction car. 1922 ex revenue service

Näytetyt tietueet: 55 / 55


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