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McGuire-Cummings 2-axle motor car

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

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# Valmistettu Tulo Meno Romutettu Kaupunki Liikennöitsijä/varikko Huom.
60 1908 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1916 to McGuire-Cummings 2-axle trailer car
61 1908 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1916 to McGuire-Cummings 2-axle trailer car
62 1908 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1916 to McGuire-Cummings 2-axle trailer car
63 1908 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1916 to McGuire-Cummings 2-axle trailer car
64 1908 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1916 to McGuire-Cummings 2-axle trailer car
65 1908 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1916 to McGuire-Cummings 2-axle trailer car
66 1908 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1916 to McGuire-Cummings 2-axle trailer car
67 1908 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1916 to McGuire-Cummings 2-axle trailer car
68 1908 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1916 to McGuire-Cummings 2-axle trailer car
69 1908 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1916 to McGuire-Cummings 2-axle trailer car
70 1908 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1916 to McGuire-Cummings 2-axle trailer car
71 1908 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1916 to McGuire-Cummings 2-axle trailer car
72 1908 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1916 to McGuire-Cummings 2-axle trailer car
73 1908 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1916 to McGuire-Cummings 2-axle trailer car
74 1908 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1916 to McGuire-Cummings 2-axle trailer car
40 1908 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
41 1908 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
42 1908 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
43 1908 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
44 1908 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
45 1908 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
46 1908 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
47 1908 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
48 1908 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
49 1908 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
50 1909 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
51 1909 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
52 1909 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
53 1909 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
54 1909 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
301 1910 1916 Waterloo, IA WCF&N Burned
305 1910 1924 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
304 1910 1935 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
300 1910 1936 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
302 1910 1936 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
306 1913 Waterloo, IA WCF&N 1932 to McGuire-Cummings 4-axle motor car # X5
31 1913 Marshalltown IEL&P
32 1913 Marshalltown IEL&P
33 1913 Marshalltown IEL&P
311 1913 1925 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
308 1913 1925 1927 Waterloo, IA WCF&N Wrecked
307 1913 1936 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
309 1913 1932 1936 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
310 1913 1936 Waterloo, IA WCF&N
96 1916 Fort Dodge FDDM Fort Dodge local
98 1916 Fort Dodge FDDM Fort Dodge local
290 1916 1925 1932 Fort Dodge FDDM Ames local. 1925 ex ??

Näytetyt tietueet: 47 / 47


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