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Beijnes 2-axle trailer car

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Gy. kezdete vége Város ksz./üzem Megjegyzés
909 1929 01.1938 Amszterdam GVB 01.1938 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 474; 01.08.1968 to 874; 05.1972 to H14; 30.09.1981 to Lowestoft, 474
915 1929 11.1937 Amszterdam GVB 11.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 468; 07.1968 to 868; 1975 to Museum, 468
916 1929 12.1937 Amszterdam GVB 12.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 470; 01.08.1968 to 870; 05.1972 to H10; 1975 to Museum, 470; 1995 to Beijnes 2-axle trailer car # 916
917 1929 12.1936 Amszterdam GVB 12.1936 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 454; 06.11.1967 to 1454; 11.09.1968 to Museum, 454
901 1929 11.1936 Amszterdam GVB 11.1936 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 446
926 1929 10.1937 Amszterdam GVB 10.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 463; 31.07.1968 to 863; 05.1972 to H3; 01.01.1996 to Museum
911 1929 1929 11.1937 Amszterdam GVB 11.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 465; 07.1968 to 865; 05.1972 to H5; 20.09.1975 to Museum, 465
912 1929 1929 10.1937 Amszterdam GVB 10.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 464; 01.08.1968 to 864; 10.1971 to Museum, 464
914 1929 1929 12.1937 Amszterdam GVB 12.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 469; 07.1968 to 869; 05.1972 to H9; 1992 to Museum, 469; 28.03.2011 to Wehmingen, 469
919 1929 1929 11.1937 Amszterdam GVB 11.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 467; 01.08.1968 to 867; ≈ 10.1970 to Museum, 467
913 1929 1929 10.1937 Amszterdam GVB 10.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 462
920 1929 1929 10.1936 Amszterdam GVB 10.1936 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 447
902 1929 1929 12.1936 Amszterdam GVB 12.1936 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 451
904 1929 1929 04.1935 Amszterdam GVB 11.1935 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 449
910 1929 1929 02.1937 Amszterdam GVB 02.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 459; 06.11.1967 to 1459
905 1929 1929 01.1937 Amszterdam GVB 01.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 455; 06.11.1967 to 1455
908 1929 1929 12.1936 Amszterdam GVB 12.1936 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 456; 06.11.1967 to 1456; 26.09.1968 to Museum; 02.11.1968 to Beijnes 2-axle trailer car # 908
923 1929 1929 01.1938 Amszterdam GVB 01.1938 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 473; 07.1968 to 873; ???? to H13; 30.11.1982 to Beijnes 4-axle motor car # H55
906 1929 1929 10.1937 Amszterdam GVB 10.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 466; 09.1966 to P20; 05.1972 to H50; 01.01.1996 to Museum; ???? to Rotterdam, H50
907 1929 1929 12.1937 Amszterdam GVB 12.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 471; 01.12.1964 to P19; ???? to H49; 01.01.1996 to Museum
903 1930 1930 01.1937 Amszterdam GVB 01.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 457
925 1930 1930 12.1936 Amszterdam GVB 12.1936 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 452
929 1930 1930 02.1937 Amszterdam GVB 02.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 458
928 1930 1930 11.1936 Amszterdam GVB 11.1936 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 448
930 1930 1930 10.1937 Amszterdam GVB 10.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 461
924 1930 1930 11.1936 Amszterdam GVB 11.1936 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 450
922 1930 1930 12.1936 Amszterdam GVB 12.1936 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 453
918 1930 1930 11.1936 Amszterdam GVB 11.1936 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 474; 02.1937 to 460; 06.11.1967 to 1460
921 1930 1930 10.1936 Amszterdam GVB 10.1936 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 475; 01.08.1968 to 875; 05.1972 to H15; 01.12.1977 to Sl4; 1982 to H54; 1990 to Beijnes 4-axle motor car
927 1930 1930 12.1937 Amszterdam GVB 12.1937 to Beijnes 2-axle motor car # 472; 01.12.1964 to P18; 1982 to H48; 01.01.1996 to Museum

Adatok: 30 az 30-ból

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