TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

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Rūp.№ Raž. No... Pilsēta Depo/Parks Piezīme
2320 8912 1947 09.2003 Philadelphia SEPTA 09.2003 ex PCC # 2750; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC
2321 8913 1947 12.2003 Philadelphia SEPTA 12.2003 ex PCC # 2738; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC
2322 8914 1947 01.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA Undergoing reconstruction into PCC III. 01.2004 ex PCC # 2770; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC
2323 8915 1947 03.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA 03.2004 ex PCC # 2798; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC
2324 8916 1947 03.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA Undergoing reconstruction into PCC III. 03.2004 ex PCC # 2777; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC
2325 8917 1947 04.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA 04.2004 ex PCC # 2741; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC
2326 8918 1947 04.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA Undergoing reconstruction into PCC III. 04.2004 ex PCC # 2197; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC
2327 8919 1947 05.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA 05.2004 ex PCC # 2747; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC
2328 8920 1947 05.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA 05.2004 ex PCC # 2726; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC. 08.2021 to PCC III
2329 8921 1947 06.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA 06.2004 ex PCC # 2182; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC
2330 8922 1947 07.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA 07.2004 ex PCC # 2730; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC
2331 8923 1947 07.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA 07.2004 ex PCC # 2758; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC
2332 8924 1947 08.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA 08.2004 ex PCC # 2196; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC. 06.2021 to PCC III
2333 8925 1947 09.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA 09.2004 ex PCC # 2746; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC
2334 8926 1947 09.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA 09.2004 ex PCC # 2753; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC
2335 8927 1947 10.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA 10.2004 ex PCC # 2158; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC
2336 8928 1947 11.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA 11.2004 ex PCC # 2790; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC
2337 8929 1947 11.2004 Philadelphia SEPTA Undergoing reconstruction into PCC III. 11.2004 ex PCC # 2783; 30.09.1968 ex UTC/PRT/PTC

Parādītie ieraksti: 18 no 18

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