TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

Ritošā sastāva saraksts

Frankfurt type V

Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Raž. No... Līdz... Util. Pilsēta Depo/Parks Piezīme
479 1910 1924 1944 Frankfurt am Main ? 1924 ex 352
393 1910 1949 Frankfurt am Main ? 1949 ex 475; 1924 ex 348. 1958 to Frankfurt type VH; 1962 to Frankfurt type VHe
394 1910 1949 Frankfurt am Main ? 1949 ex 476; 1924 ex 349. 1958 to Frankfurt type VH; 1962 to Frankfurt type VHe
395 1910 1949 Frankfurt am Main ? 1949 ex 477; 1924 ex 350. 1958 to Frankfurt type VH; 1962 to Frankfurt type VHe
396 1910 1949 Frankfurt am Main ? 1949 ex 478; 1924 ex 351. 1959 to Frankfurt type VH; 1964 to 2026
397 1910 1949 Frankfurt am Main ? 1949 ex 480; 1924 ex 353. 1958 to Frankfurt type VH; 1962 to Frankfurt type VHe
398 1910 1949 Frankfurt am Main ? 1949 ex 481; 1924 ex 354. 1958 to Frankfurt type VH; 1962 to Frankfurt type VHe; 1964 to 2028
399 1910 1949 Frankfurt am Main ? 1949 ex 482; 1924 ex 355. 1958 to Frankfurt type VH; 1962 to Frankfurt type VHe
400 1910 1949 Frankfurt am Main ? 1949 ex 483; 1929 ex Frankfurt typе v # 803. 1958 to Frankfurt type VH; 1962 to Frankfurt type VHe; 1964 to 2027; 1971 to 400
302 1910 1955 Frankfurt am Main ? 1955 ex 2. 1958 to Frankfurt type VH; 1963 to 2028
304 1910 1955 Frankfurt am Main ? 1955 ex 4. 1958 to Frankfurt type VH
308 1910 1955 Frankfurt am Main ? 1955 ex 8. 1958 to Frankfurt type VH
310 1910 1955 Frankfurt am Main ? 1955 ex 10. 1958 to Frankfurt type VH
311 1910 1955 Frankfurt am Main ? 1955 ex 11. 1958 to Frankfurt type VH
317 1910 1955 Frankfurt am Main ? 1955 ex 17. 1958 to Frankfurt type VH
301 1910 1955 1958 Frankfurt am Main ? 1955 ex 1
303 1910 1955 1962 Frankfurt am Main ? 1955 ex 3
306 1910 1955 1960 Frankfurt am Main ? 1955 ex 6
307 1910 1955 1960 Frankfurt am Main ? 1955 ex 7
309 1910 1955 1962 Frankfurt am Main ? 1955 ex 9
313 1910 1955 1962 Frankfurt am Main ? 1955 ex 13
315 1910 1955 1962 Frankfurt am Main ? 1955 ex 15
316 1910 1955 1960 Frankfurt am Main ? 1955 ex 16
2026 1910 1958 1964 Frankfurt am Main ? 1958 ex 312; 1955 ex 12
2027 1910 1958 1964 Frankfurt am Main ? 1958 ex 314; 1955 ex 14
2024 1910 1959 1972 Frankfurt am Main ? Вышка. 1959 ex 318; 1955 ex 18
2025 1910 1959 1976 1987 Frankfurt am Main Schwanheim 1959 ex 305; 1955 ex Lokalbahn, 5

Parādītie ieraksti: 27 no 27

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