TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

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Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Raž. No... Līdz... Pilsēta Depo/Parks Piezīme
13 1902 ≈ 1914 1931 Gothenburg GS 1914 (?) ex ASEA M1
15 1902 1914 04.1929 Gothenburg GS 1914 ex ASEA M1. 17.09.1929 to SSR, ASEA M1
1 1902 1914 1949 Gothenburg GS 1914 ex ASEA M1
18 1902 1914 1937 Gothenburg GS 1914 ex ASEA M1
34 1902 1914 1942 Gothenburg GS 1914 ex ASEA M1
35 1902 1914 1933 Gothenburg GS 1914 ex ASEA M1
4 1902 1915 1931 Gothenburg GS 1915 ex ASEA M1. 1931 to ASEA M5 # 60; 1950 to 196
21 1902 ≈ 1915 1931 Gothenburg GS 1915 (?) ex ASEA M1
44 1902 1915 1942 Gothenburg GS 1915 ex ASEA M1
15 1902 1925 1927 Uppsala US 1925 ex Göteborg, 19; 1914 ex ASEA M1. 1927 to 2-axle motor car # 30
16 1902 1925 1927 Uppsala US 1925 ex Göteborg, 20; 1914 ex ASEA M1. 1927 to 2-axle motor car # 31
17 1902 1925 1927 Uppsala US 1925 ex Göteborg, 23; 1915 ex ASEA M1. 1927 to 2-axle motor car # 32
18 1902 1925 1929 Uppsala US 1925 ex Göteborg, 24; 1914 (?) ex ASEA M1. 1929 to 2-axle motor car
8 1902 1925 Helsingborg HSS 1925 ex Göteborg, 5; 1914 ex ASEA M1
9 1902 1925 Helsingborg HSS 1925 ex Göteborg, 6; 1914 ex ASEA M1
10 1902 1925 Helsingborg HSS 1925 ex Göteborg, 7; 1914 ex ASEA M1
14 1902 1925 1958 Jönköping JS 1925 ex Göteborg, 26; 1914 ex ASEA M1
15 1902 1925 1958 Jönköping JS 1925 ex Göteborg, 30; 1915 ex ASEA M1
16 1902 1925 1958 Jönköping JS 1925 ex Göteborg, 33; 1915 ex ASEA M1
17 1902 1925 1958 Jönköping JS 1925 ex Göteborg, 38; 1915 ex ASEA M1
18 1902 1925 1958 Jönköping JS 1925 ex Göteborg, 40; 1915 ex ASEA M1
17 1902 1925 1961 Norrköping - 1925 ex Göteborg, 9; 1914 (?) ex ASEA M1
19 1902 1925 1961 Norrköping - 1925 ex Göteborg, 11; 1916 (?) ex ASEA M1
21 1902 1925 1961 Norrköping - 1925 ex Göteborg, 14; 1915 (?) ex ASEA M1
22 1902 1925 1961 Norrköping - 1925 ex Göteborg, 22; 1915 ex ASEA M1
13 1902 1925 1953 Uppsala US 1925 ex Göteborg, 16; 1914 ex ASEA M1
14 1902 1925 1953 Uppsala US 1925 ex Göteborg, 17; 1914 ex ASEA M1
24 1902 1926 1959 Norrköping - 1926 ex Göteborg, 36; 1914 ex ASEA M1
25 1902 1926 1961 Norrköping - 1926 ex Göteborg, 42; 1915 ex ASEA M1
29 1902 1931 1961 Norrköping - 1931 ex Göteborg, 46; 1914 ex ASEA M1
6 1902 1942 1949 Karlskrona KSS 1942 ex Göteborg, 28; 1914 ex ASEA M1
36 1902 1942 1958 Norrköping - 1942 ex Göteborg, 37; 1914 ex ASEA M1
AV3 1902 1943 1951 Gothenburg GS 1943 ex 39; 1916 ex ASEA M1
AV4 1902 1943 1951 Gothenburg GS 1943 ex 41; 1914 ex ASEA M1
AV5 1902 1943 1950 Gothenburg GS 1943 ex 45; 1915 ex ASEA M1
7 1902 1943 1949 Karlskrona KSS 1943 ex Göteborg, 25; 1914 ex ASEA M1
15 1902 1943 1953 Uppsala US 1943 ex Göteborg, 27; 1915 ex ASEA M1
16 1902 1943 1945 Uppsala US 1943 ex Göteborg, 29; 1916 ex ASEA M1
17 1902 1943 1953 Uppsala US 1943 ex Göteborg, 31; 1915 (?) ex ASEA M1
25 1902 1943 1945 Uppsala US 1943 ex Göteborg, 2; 1916 ex ASEA M1
16 1902 1945 1953 Uppsala US 1945 ex 26; 1943 ex Göteborg, 3; 1914 ex ASEA M1
16 1902 1967 Norrköping - 1967 ex work service; 1961 ex revenue service; 1925 ex Göteborg, 8; 1914 (?) ex ASEA M1
43 1902 1983 Gothenburg SSR 1983 ex GS, 19; 27.11.1959 ex Jönköping, 19; 31.08.1925 ex Göteborg, 43; 19.08.1915 ex ASEA M1
53 1907 1912 1929 Gothenburg GS 1912 ex ASEA M1. 1929 to ASEA M5; 1950 to 189
54 1907 1916 Gothenburg GS 1916 ex ASEA M1. 1929 to ASEA M5; 1950 to 190; 11.1972 to Malmköping, 190
55 1907 1916 1930 Gothenburg GS 1916 ex ASEA M1. 1930 to ASEA M5; 1949 to 191
56 1907 1916 1930 Gothenburg GS 1916 ex ASEA M1. 1930 to ASEA M5; 1949 to 192
57 1907 1916 1929 Gothenburg GS 1916 ex ASEA M1. 1929 to ASEA M5; 1950 to 193; 1959 to AV10
58 1907 1916 1930 Gothenburg GS 1916 ex ASEA M1. 1930 to ASEA M5; 1950 to 194
72 1912 1912 1926 Gothenburg GS 1926 (?) to ASEA M5
73 1912 1912 ≈ 1926 Gothenburg GS 1926 (?) to ASEA M5
74 1912 1912 ≈ 1926 Gothenburg GS 1926 (?) to ASEA M5
71 1912 1912 1926 Gothenburg SSR 1926 to GS, ASEA M5; 07.1960 to East Haven, 71; 08.2010 to Göteborg, 71
75 1916 1916 ≈ 1928 Gothenburg GS 1928 (?) to ASEA M5
76 1916 1916 ≈ 1928 Gothenburg GS 1928 (?) to ASEA M5
77 1916 1916 ≈ 1928 Gothenburg GS 1928 (?) to ASEA M5
78 1916 1916 ≈ 1928 Gothenburg GS 1928 (?) to ASEA M5
79 1916 1916 ≈ 1928 Gothenburg GS 1928 (?) to ASEA M5
80 1916 1916 ≈ 1928 Gothenburg GS 1928 (?) to ASEA M5
81 1916 1916 ≈ 1928 Gothenburg GS 1928 (?) to ASEA M5
82 1916 1916 ≈ 1928 Gothenburg GS 1928 (?) to ASEA M5
83 1916 1916 ≈ 1928 Gothenburg GS 1928 (?) to ASEA M5
84 1916 1916 ≈ 1928 Gothenburg GS 1928 (?) to ASEA M5
85 1916 1916 ≈ 1928 Gothenburg GS 1928 (?) to ASEA M5
132 09.1920 Gothenburg GS 16.07.1925 to ASEA M5; 1964 to 112; 1975 to SSR, ASEA S8 # 240
133 10.1920 Gothenburg GS 12.12.1925 to ASEA M5; 1962 to 113; 1985 to 133
129 11.1920 Gothenburg GS 08.06.1925 to ASEA M5; 09.1960 to SSR
18 1925 1925 1961 Norrköping - 1925 ex Göteborg, 10; 1915 (?) ex ASEA M1
20 1925 1925 1961 Norrköping - 1925 ex Göteborg, 12; 1915 (?) ex ASEA M1
23 1926 1926 1961 Norrköping - 1926 ex Göteborg, 32; 1915 ex ASEA M1

Parādītie ieraksti: 70 no 70

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