TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

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Ashbury 4-axle trailer car

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12 Blackburn ВODT Enclosed double-deck, Bulit: 1889-1896. 13 units (of 1-19) sold to Blackburn and Darwen Corporations on the 1st January 1899.
13 Blackburn ВODT Enclosed double-deck, Bulit: 1889-1896. 13 units (of 1-19) sold to Blackburn and Darwen Corporations on the 1st January 1899.
14 Blackburn ВODT Enclosed double-deck, Bulit: 1889-1896. 13 units (of 1-19) sold to Blackburn and Darwen Corporations on the 1st January 1899.
15 Blackburn ВODT Enclosed double-deck, Bulit: 1889-1896. 13 units (of 1-19) sold to Blackburn and Darwen Corporations on the 1st January 1899.
16 Blackburn ВODT Enclosed double-deck, Bulit: 1889-1896. 13 units (of 1-19) sold to Blackburn and Darwen Corporations on the 1st January 1899.
17 Blackburn ВODT Enclosed double-deck, 13 units (of 1-19) sold to Blackburn and Darwen Corporations on the 1st January 1899.
18 Blackburn ВODT Enclosed double-deck, Bulit: 1889-1896. 13 units (of 1-19) sold to Blackburn and Darwen Corporations on the 1st January 1899.
19 Blackburn ВODT Enclosed double-deck, 13 units (of 1-19) sold to Blackburn and Darwen Corporations on the 1st January 1899.
11 1901 Rawtenstall RVT Enclosed double-deck, 1901 ex-Blackburn Corporation
12 1903 Rawtenstall RVT Enclosed double-deck, 1903 ex-Blackburn Corporation
9 1883 1884 Blackburn ВODT Single-deck, open-top, Transportation of workmen
10 1883 1884 Blackburn ВODT Single-deck, open-top, Transportation of workmen
11 1883 1884 Blackburn ВODT Single-deck, open-top, Transportation of workmen
12 1883 1884 Blackburn ВODT Single-deck, open-top, Transportation of workmen
9 1887 Blackburn ВODT Enclosed double-deck, 13 units (of 1-19) sold to Blackburn and Darwen Corporations on the 1st January 1899.
1 1887 Blackburn ВСТC Enclosed double-deck
2 1887 Blackburn ВСТC Enclosed double-deck
3 1887 Blackburn ВСТC Enclosed double-deck
4 1887 Blackburn ВСТC Enclosed double-deck
5 1887 Blackburn ВСТC Enclosed double-deck
6 1887 Blackburn ВСТC Enclosed double-deck
7 1887 Blackburn ВСТC Enclosed double-deck
8 1887 Blackburn ВСТC Enclosed double-deck
9 1887 Blackburn ВСТC Enclosed double-deck
10 1887 Blackburn ВСТC Enclosed double-deck
11 1887 Blackburn ВСТC Enclosed double-deck
12 1887 Blackburn ВСТC Enclosed double-deck
10 1888 Blackburn ВODT Enclosed double-deck, 13 units (of 1-19) sold to Blackburn and Darwen Corporations on the 1st January 1899.
11 1888 Blackburn ВODT Enclosed double-deck, 13 units (of 1-19) sold to Blackburn and Darwen Corporations on the 1st January 1899.

Parādītie ieraksti: 29 no 29

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