TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

Ritošā sastāva saraksts

Šveice, 4-axle trailer car

Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Raž. No... Halted Līdz... Util. Pilsēta Depo/Parks Piezīme
1 1892 1892 1906 Neuchâtel NCB 1906 to TransN, 121; 1967 to Vevey - Montreux - Blonay, 121; ≈ 2017 to Neuchâtel, 121
2 1892 1892 1906 Neuchâtel NCB 1906 to TransN, 122
121 1892 1906 1967 Neuchâtel TransN 1906 ex NCB, 1. 1967 to Vevey - Montreux - Blonay, 121; ≈ 2017 to Neuchâtel, 121
122 1892 1906 1965 Neuchâtel TransN 1906 ex NCB, 2
121 1892 1967 Vevey - Montreux - Blonay - 1967 ex Neuchâtel, 121; 1906 ex NCB, 1. ≈ 2017 to Neuchâtel, 121
121 1892 ≈ 2017 Neuchâtel ANAT ≈ 2017 ex Vevey - Montreux - Blonay, 121; 1967 ex Neuchâtel, 121; 1906 ex NCB, 1
16 1903 2018 St. Gallen AB -> Privat, Sennwald
161 1930 1930 1964 Lausanne TL 1964 to Zurich, 118; 1969 to St. Gallen, 11
162 1930 1930 1964 Lausanne TL 1964 to Zurich, 119; 2001 to TMZ
163 1930 1930 1963 Lausanne TL 1963 to St. Gallen, 12
164 1930 1930 1963 Lausanne TL 1963 to St. Gallen, 13
165 1930 1930 1963 Lausanne TL 1963 to St. Gallen, 14
12 1930 1963 2000 St. Gallen AB 2000 to Internationale Rheinregulierung, Lustenau (A). 1963 ex Lausanne, 163
13 1930 1963 2000 St. Gallen AB 2000 to Internationale Rheinregulierung, Lustenau (A). 1963 ex Lausanne, 164
14 1930 1963 2000 2000 St. Gallen AB 1963 ex Lausanne, 165
118 1930 1964 1969 Cīrihe FB 1964 ex Lausanne, 161. 1969 to St. Gallen, 11
119 1930 1964 1994 2001 Cīrihe FB 1964 ex Lausanne, 162. 2001 to TMZ
11 1930 1969 St. Gallen AB 1969 ex Zurich, 118; 1964 ex Lausanne, 161
119 1930 2001 03.2021 Cīrihe TMZ -> CFI (RO). 2001 ex FB; 1964 ex Lausanne, 162
42 1946 1946 1978 1978 Lugano LCD

Parādītie ieraksti: 20 no 20

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