TransPhotoLinnade elektritransport

Veeremi nimekiri

Sankt-Peterburg, PV

Otstarve:  kõik sõidukid  ·  liinisõidukid  ·  tehnilised sõidukid  ·  muuseumsõidukid

Tehase number Valminud Alates Kuni Depoo/park Märkus
691 1914 [old numbering]
692 1914 [old numbering]
693 1914 [old numbering]
694 1914 [old numbering]
695 1914 [old numbering]
696 1914 [old numbering]
697 1913 [old numbering]
698 1913 [old numbering]
699 1913 [old numbering]
700 1913 [old numbering]
701 1913 [old numbering]
702 1913 [old numbering]
703 1913 [old numbering]
704 1913 [old numbering]
705 1913 [old numbering]
706 1913 [old numbering]
707 1913 [old numbering]
708 1913 [old numbering]
709 1913 [old numbering]
710 1913 [old numbering]
711 1913 [old numbering]
712 1913 [old numbering]
713 1913 [old numbering]
714 1913 [old numbering]
715 1913 [old numbering]
716 1914 [old numbering]
717 1914 [old numbering]
718 1914 [old numbering]
719 1914 [old numbering]
720 1914 [old numbering]
721 1914 [old numbering]
722 1914 [old numbering]
723 1914 [old numbering]
724 1914 [old numbering]
725 1914 [old numbering]
726 1914 [old numbering]
727 1914 [old numbering]
728 1914 [old numbering]
729 1914 [old numbering]
730 1914 [old numbering]
731 1914 [old numbering]
732 1914 [old numbering]
733 1914 [old numbering]
734 1914 [old numbering]
735 1914 [old numbering]
736 1914 [old numbering]
737 1914 [old numbering]
738 1914 [old numbering]
739 1914 [old numbering]
740 1914 [old numbering]
741 1914 [old numbering]
742 1914 [old numbering] Петроградский трамвайный парк, до 05.07.1914 — Василеостровский трамвайный парк
743 1914 [old numbering] Петроградский трамвайный парк, до 05.07.1914 — Василеостровский трамвайный парк
744 1914 [old numbering] Петроградский трамвайный парк, до 05.07.1914 — Василеостровский трамвайный парк
745 1914 [old numbering] Рождественский трамвайный парк, до 09.08.1914 — Московский трамвайный парк
746 1914 [old numbering] Рождественский трамвайный парк, до 08.08.1914 — Московский трамвайный парк
747 1914 [old numbering] Рождественский трамвайный парк, до 09.08.1914 — Московский трамвайный парк
748 1914 [old numbering] Рождественский трамвайный парк, до 08.08.1914 — Московский трамвайный парк
749 1914 [old numbering] Петроградский трамвайный парк, до 05.07.1914 — Василеостровский трамвайный парк
750 1914 [old numbering] Петроградский трамвайный парк, до 05.07.1914 — Василеостровский трамвайный парк
751 1914 [old numbering] Петроградский трамвайный парк, до 05.07.1914 — Василеостровский трамвайный парк
752 1914 [old numbering] Петроградский трамвайный парк, до 05.07.1914 — Василеостровский трамвайный парк
753 1914 19.05.1914 [old numbering]
754 1914 [old numbering] Петроградский трамвайный парк, до 05.07.1914 — Василеостровский трамвайный парк
755 1914 [old numbering] Рождественский трамвайный парк, до 23.05.1914 — Василеостровский трамвайный парк
756 1914 [old numbering]
757 1914 [old numbering]
758 1914 [old numbering]
759 1914 [old numbering]
760 1914 [old numbering]
761 1914 [old numbering]
762 1914 [old numbering]
763 1914 [old numbering]
764 1914 [old numbering]
765 1914 [old numbering]
766 1914 [old numbering]
767 1914 [old numbering]
768 1914 [old numbering]
769 1914 [old numbering]
770 1914 [old numbering]
771 1914 [old numbering]
772 1915 [old numbering]
773 1915 [old numbering]
774 1915 [old numbering]
775 1915 [old numbering]
776 1914 [old numbering]
777 1914 [old numbering]
778 1914 [old numbering]
779 1914 [old numbering]
780 1914 [old numbering]
781 1914 [old numbering] Петроградский трамвайный парк
782 1914 [old numbering] Петроградский трамвайный парк
783 1914 [old numbering] Петроградский трамвайный парк
784 1914 [old numbering] Василеостровский трамвайный парк, до 23.09.1914 — Петроградский трамвайный парк
785 1914 [old numbering] Петроградский трамвайный парк
786 1914 [old numbering]
787 1914 [old numbering]
788 1914 [old numbering]
789 1914 [old numbering]
790 1914 [old numbering]
791 3113 1915 [old numbering]
792 3114 1915 [old numbering]
793 3115 1915 [old numbering]
794 3116 1915 [old numbering]
795 3117 1915 [old numbering]
796 3118 1915 [old numbering]
797 3119 1915 [old numbering]
798 3120 1915 [old numbering]
799 3121 1915 [old numbering]
800 3122 1915 [old numbering]
801 3123 1916 [old numbering]
802 3124 1916 [old numbering]
803 3125 1916 [old numbering]
804 3126 1916 [old numbering]
805 3127 1916 [old numbering]
806 3128 1916 [old numbering]
807 3129 1916 [old numbering]
808 3130 1916 [old numbering]
809 3131 1916 [old numbering]
810 3132 1916 [old numbering]
811 3133 1916 [old numbering]
812 3134 1916 [old numbering]
813 3135 1916 [old numbering]
814 3136 1916 [old numbering]
815 3137 1916 [old numbering]
816 3138 1916 [old numbering]
817 3139 1917 [old numbering]
818 3140 1917 [old numbering]
819 3141 1917 [old numbering]
820 3142 1917 [old numbering]
821 3143 1917 [old numbering]
822 3144 1917 [old numbering]
823 3145 1915 [old numbering]
824 3146 1915 [old numbering]
825 3147 1915 [old numbering]
826 3148 1915 [old numbering]
827 3149 1915 [old numbering]
828 3150 1915 [old numbering]
829 3151 1915 [old numbering]
830 3152 1915 [old numbering]
831 3153 1915 [old numbering]
832 3154 1915 [old numbering]
833 3155 1915 [old numbering]
834 3156 1915 [old numbering]
835 3157 1915 [old numbering]
836 3158 1915 [old numbering] ???? to work service
836 3158 1915 ???? [old numbering] Умформер. ???? ex revenue service
837 3159 1915 [old numbering]
838 3160 1915 [old numbering]
839 3161 1915 [old numbering]
840 3162 1915 [old numbering]
841 3163 1915 [old numbering]
842 3164 1915 [old numbering]
843 3165 1915 [old numbering]
844 3166 1915 [old numbering]
845 3167 1915 [old numbering]
846 3168 1915 [old numbering]
847 3169 1915 [old numbering]
848 3170 1915 [old numbering]
849 3171 1915 [old numbering]
850 3172 1915 [old numbering]
851 3173 1915 [old numbering]
852 3174 1915 [old numbering]
853 3175 1915 [old numbering]
854 3176 1915 [old numbering]
855 3177 1915 [old numbering]
856 [old numbering]
857 [old numbering]
858 [old numbering]
859 [old numbering]
864 [old numbering]
865 [old numbering]
868 [old numbering]
869 [old numbering] ≈ 1934 to PO
870 [old numbering]
872 [old numbering]
874 [old numbering]
877 [old numbering]
879 [old numbering]
880 [old numbering]
881 [old numbering]
882 [old numbering]
884 [old numbering]
885 [old numbering]
886 [old numbering]
887 [old numbering]
888 [old numbering]
889 [old numbering]
890 [old numbering]
896 1956 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина
897 [old numbering]
898 [old numbering]
900 [old numbering]
903 [old numbering]
907 [old numbering]
911 [old numbering]
917 1943 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Смирнова (1943)
918 [old numbering]
919 [old numbering]
925 [old numbering]
931 [old numbering]
932 [old numbering]
934 [old numbering]
935 [old numbering]
936 [old numbering]
937 [old numbering]
939 [old numbering]
941 [old numbering]
943 [old numbering]
944 [old numbering]
945 [old numbering]
946 [old numbering]
947 [old numbering]
948 [old numbering]
949 [old numbering]
949 [old numbering]
950 [old numbering]
951 [old numbering]
952 [old numbering]
953 [old numbering]
954 [old numbering]
955 [old numbering]
956 [old numbering]
957 [old numbering]
958 [old numbering]
959 [old numbering]
960 [old numbering]
961 [old numbering]
962 [old numbering]
963 [old numbering]
964 [old numbering]
965 [old numbering]
966 1926 [old numbering]
967 1926 [old numbering]
968 1926 1926 [old numbering]
969 1926 [old numbering]
970 1926 [old numbering]
971 1926 [old numbering]
972 1926 [old numbering]
973 1926 [old numbering]
974 1926 [old numbering]
975 1926 [old numbering]
976 1926 [old numbering]
977 1926 [old numbering]
978 1926 [old numbering]
979 1926 [old numbering]
980 1926 [old numbering]
981 1926 [old numbering]
983 1926 [old numbering]
984 1926 [old numbering]
985 1926 [old numbering]

Sissekandeid näidatud: 251

Värvide selgitused

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Ei tööta
Kasutuselt kõrvaldatud / mahakandmise ootel
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Asukoht ja saatus teadmata
Moderniseeritud (mudeli vahetus)
Ümberregistreeritud/edasi antud linna siseselt
Edasi antud/müüdud teise linna
Riigi numbri muutmine (ettevõtte sees)


Kõik ühes tabelis  ·  Mahakantud ja üleantud eraldi  ·  Esialgu ainult toimivad
Kõrvaldatud üleval  ·  Kõrvaldatud all
Ilma fotota  ·  Koos fotodega
Üleandmised täismahus  ·  Üleandmised lühidalt
Arvestada allmudelid  ·  Ilma allmudelideta
Näidata šassii mudel  ·  Peita šassii mudel

Näidata nimekirjas:  Tehase number  ·  VIN  ·  Šassii number