TransPhotoLinnade elektritransport

Veeremi nimekiri

Sankt-Peterburg, PB

Otstarve:  kõik sõidukid  ·  liinisõidukid  ·  tehnilised sõidukid  ·  muuseumsõidukid

Alates Kuni Util. Depoo/park Märkus
414 ???? [old numbering]
415 ???? [old numbering]
416 ???? 1956 [old numbering]
417 ???? [old numbering]
418 ???? [old numbering]
419 ???? [old numbering]
420 ???? [old numbering]
421 ???? [old numbering]
422 ???? [old numbering]
423 ???? [old numbering]
424 ???? [old numbering]
425 ???? [old numbering]
426 ???? [old numbering]
427 ???? 03.1936 1936 [old numbering]
428 ???? 03.1936 1936 [old numbering]
429 ???? [old numbering]
430 ???? [old numbering]
431 ???? [old numbering]
432 ???? [old numbering]
433 ???? [old numbering]
434 ???? [old numbering]
435 ???? [old numbering]
436 ???? [old numbering]
437 ???? [old numbering]
438 ???? [old numbering]
439 ???? [old numbering]
440 ???? [old numbering]
441 ???? [old numbering]
442 ???? [old numbering]
443 ???? [old numbering]
444 ???? 07.1957 [old numbering] С 07.1957 — Тула
445 ???? [old numbering]
446 ???? [old numbering]
447 ???? 03.1936 1936 [old numbering]
448 ???? [old numbering]
449 ???? [old numbering]
450 ???? [old numbering]
451 ???? [old numbering]
452 ???? [old numbering]
453 ???? [old numbering]
454 ???? [old numbering]
455 ???? [old numbering]
456 ???? [old numbering]
457 ???? [old numbering]
458 ???? [old numbering]
459 ???? [old numbering]
460 ???? [old numbering]
461 ???? 03.1936 1936 [old numbering]
462 ???? [old numbering]
463 ???? [old numbering]
464 ???? 05.1936 [old numbering]
465 ???? 03.1936 1936 [old numbering]
466 ???? 03.1936 1936 [old numbering]
467 ???? [old numbering]
468 ???? [old numbering]
469 ???? [old numbering]
470 ???? [old numbering]
471 ???? 04.1936 1936 [old numbering]
472 ???? 05.1936 [old numbering]
473 ???? [old numbering]
474 ???? [old numbering]
475 ???? 03.1936 1936 [old numbering]
476 ???? [old numbering]
477 ???? [old numbering]
478 ???? [old numbering]
479 ???? [old numbering]
480 ???? [old numbering]
481 ???? [old numbering]
482 ???? [old numbering]
483 ???? [old numbering]
484 ???? [old numbering]
485 ???? [old numbering]
486 ???? [old numbering]
487 ???? [old numbering]
488 ???? [old numbering]
489 ???? [old numbering]
490 ???? 03.1936 1936 [old numbering]
491 ???? 01.1936 [old numbering]
492 ???? [old numbering]
493 ???? 03.1936 1936 [old numbering]
494 ???? 05.1936 [old numbering]
495 ???? [old numbering]
496 ???? [old numbering]
497 ???? [old numbering]
498 ???? [old numbering]
499 ???? [old numbering]
500 ???? [old numbering]
501 ???? [old numbering]
502 ???? [old numbering]
503 ???? 05.1936 [old numbering]
504 ???? 05.1936 [old numbering]
505 ???? [old numbering]
506 ???? [old numbering]
507 ???? 11.1957 [old numbering] С 11.1957 — Липецк
508 ???? [old numbering]
509 ???? [old numbering]
510 ???? [old numbering]
511 ???? [old numbering]
512 ???? [old numbering]
513 ???? [old numbering]
514 ???? [old numbering]
515 ???? 1955 [old numbering] 08.1955 to Novosibirsk, 146
516 ???? [old numbering]
517 ???? 08.1957 [old numbering] С 08.1957 — Орджоникидзе [Владикавказ]
518 ???? [old numbering]
519 ???? 07.1957 [old numbering] С 07.1957 — Горький [Нижний Новгород]
520 ???? 09.1957 [old numbering] С 09.1957 — Калинин [Тверь]
521 ???? [old numbering]
522 ???? [old numbering]
523 ???? [old numbering]
524 ???? 1956 [old numbering]
525 ???? [old numbering]
526 ???? [old numbering]
527 ???? [old numbering]
528 ???? 1956 [old numbering]
529 ???? [old numbering]
530 ???? [old numbering]
531 ???? 1957 [old numbering] 08.1955 to Novosibirsk, 147
532 ???? [old numbering]
533 ???? 1956 [old numbering]
534 ???? [old numbering]
535 ???? [old numbering]
536 ???? 08.1957 [old numbering] С 08.1957 — Калинин [Тверь]
537 ???? [old numbering]
538 ???? [old numbering]
539 ???? [old numbering]
540 ???? [old numbering]
541 ???? [old numbering]
542 ???? [old numbering]
543 ???? [old numbering]
544 ???? [old numbering]
545 ???? [old numbering]
546 ???? 03.1957 [old numbering] С 03.1957 — Липецк
547 ???? [old numbering]
548 ???? 08.1957 [old numbering] С 08.1957 — Орджоникидзе [Владикавказ]
549 ???? [old numbering]
550 ???? [old numbering]
551 ???? [old numbering]
552 ???? 07.1957 [old numbering] С 07.1957 — Горький [Нижний Новгород]
553 ???? 03.1957 [old numbering] С 03.1957 — Липецк
554 ???? [old numbering]
555 ???? [old numbering]
556 ???? [old numbering]
557 ???? 1956 [old numbering]
558 ???? [old numbering]
559 ???? [old numbering]
560 ???? [old numbering]
561 ???? [old numbering]
562 ???? [old numbering]
563 ???? [old numbering]
564 ???? [old numbering]
565 ???? [old numbering]
566 ???? [old numbering]
567 ???? 11.1957 [old numbering] С 11.1957 — Липецк
568 ???? [old numbering]
569 ???? [old numbering]
570 ???? [old numbering]
571 ???? [old numbering]
572 ???? [old numbering]
573 11.1957 [old numbering] Трамвайный парк им. Блохина (1957)
573 ???? 11.1957 [old numbering] С 11.1957 — Липецк
574 ???? [old numbering]
575 ???? [old numbering]
576 ???? [old numbering]
577 ???? [old numbering]
578 ???? 1956 [old numbering]
579 ???? [old numbering]
580 ???? 1956 [old numbering]
581 ???? 03.1957 [old numbering] С 03.1957 — Липецк
582 ???? [old numbering]
583 ???? [old numbering]
584 ???? [old numbering]
585 ???? [old numbering]
586 ???? [old numbering]
587 ???? [old numbering]
588 ???? [old numbering]
589 ???? [old numbering]
590 ???? 07.1957 [old numbering] С 07.1957 — Горький [Нижний Новгород]
591 ???? 1955 [old numbering] 12.1955 to Novosibirsk, 153
592 ???? [old numbering]
593 ???? 11.1957 [old numbering] С 11.1957 — Тула
594 ???? [old numbering]
595 ???? [old numbering]
596 ???? [old numbering]
597 ???? [old numbering]
598 ???? [old numbering]
599 ???? 1957 [old numbering] С 1957 — Липецк
600 ???? [old numbering]

Sissekandeid näidatud: 188

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Riigi numbri muutmine (ettevõtte sees)


Kõik ühes tabelis  ·  Mahakantud ja üleantud eraldi  ·  Esialgu ainult toimivad
Kõrvaldatud üleval  ·  Kõrvaldatud all
Ilma fotota  ·  Koos fotodega
Üleandmised täismahus  ·  Üleandmised lühidalt
Arvestada allmudelid  ·  Ilma allmudelideta
Näidata šassii mudel  ·  Peita šassii mudel

Näidata nimekirjas:  Tehase number  ·  VIN  ·  Šassii number