TransPhotoElektrická Městská Doprava

Seznam vozového parku

Northeastern Massachussetts, Newburyport 2-axle motor car

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č. Výroba Od... Do... Š. Vozovna Poznámka
10 1897 4/1913 1927 Mass. Northeastern 04.1913 ex 91
45 1900 A&H 04.1913 to Mass. Northeastern
45 1900 4/1913 1923 1924 Mass. Northeastern 04.1913 ex A&H
47 1900 A&H 04.1913 to Mass. Northeastern
47 1900 4/1913 1923 1924 Mass. Northeastern 04.1913 ex A&H
49 1900 3/1907 A&H Burned in Hampton Carhouse Fire of March 1, 1907
51 1900 A&H 04.1913 to Mass. Northeastern
51 1900 4/1913 1923 1924 Mass. Northeastern 04.1913 ex A&H
62 ≈ 1894 Citizens Electric 04.1913 to Mass. Northeastern, 197
64 ≈ 189X Citizens Electric 04.1913 to Mass. Northeastern, 199; 1922 to 2-axle trailer car # C-No. 29
66 ≈ 1894 Citizens Electric 04.1913 to Mass. Northeastern, 201
68 ≈ 1894 Citizens Electric 04.1913 to Mass. Northeastern, 203
74 ≈ 1894 Citizens Electric 04.1913 to Mass. Northeastern, 205
91 1897 Citizens Electric 04.1913 to 10
197 ≈ 1894 4/1913 1918 Mass. Northeastern 04.1913 ex Citizens Electric, 62
199 ≈ 1894 4/1913 Mass. Northeastern 04.1913 ex Citizens Electric, 64. 1922 to 2-axle trailer car # C-No. 29
201 ≈ 1894 4/1913 1923 1924 Mass. Northeastern 04.1913 ex Citizens Electric, 66
203 ≈ 1894 4/1913 1923 1924 Mass. Northeastern 04.1913 ex Citizens Electric, 68
205 ≈ 1894 4/1913 1923 1924 Mass. Northeastern 04.1913 ex Citizens Electric, 74

Zobrazeno: 19 z 19

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