TransphotoSähköinen kaupunkiliikenne


Portland, OR, American 4-axle motor car

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

# Valmistettu Tulo Meno Liikennöitsijä/varikko Huom.
260 1907 1936 Portland Traction
261 1907 1936 Portland Traction
262 1907 1936 Portland Traction
263 1907 1936 Portland Traction
264 1907 1936 Portland Traction
265 1907 1936 Portland Traction
266 1907 1936 Portland Traction
267 1907 1936 Portland Traction
268 1907 1936 Portland Traction
269 1907 1936 Portland Traction
270 1907 1936 Portland Traction
271 1907 Portland Traction 1939 to work service
271 1907 1939 1940 Portland Traction Service car. 1939 ex revenue service
272 1907 1938 Portland Traction
273 1907 1938 Portland Traction
300 1913 1990 1998 Vintage Trolley 1990 ex San Antonio, 300. 1998 to Astoria, 300
400 1907 1948 Portland Traction
401 1907 1947 Portland Traction
402 1907 1948 Portland Traction
403 1907 1948 Portland Traction
404 1907 1946 Portland Traction
405 1907 1948 Portland Traction
406 1907 1948 Portland Traction
407 1907 1947 Portland Traction
408 1907 1948 Portland Traction
409 1907 1946 Portland Traction
410 1907 1946 Portland Traction
411 1907 1947 Portland Traction
412 1907 1946 Portland Traction
413 1907 1948 Portland Traction
414 1907 1946 Portland Traction
415 1907 1947 Portland Traction
416 1907 1947 Portland Traction
417 1907 1948 Portland Traction
418 1907 1946 Portland Traction
419 1907 1948 Portland Traction
420 1907 1940 Portland Traction
421 1907 1948 Portland Traction
422 1907 1948 Portland Traction
423 1907 1948 Portland Traction
424 1907 1948 Portland Traction
425 1907 1946 Portland Traction
426 1907 1948 Portland Traction
427 1907 1944 Portland Traction
428 1907 1948 Portland Traction
429 1907 1948 Portland Traction
430 1907 1947 Portland Traction
431 1907 1948 Portland Traction
432 1907 1944 Portland Traction
433 1907 1948 Portland Traction
434 1907 1948 Portland Traction
435 1907 1948 Portland Traction
436 1907 1948 Portland Traction
437 1907 1948 Portland Traction
438 1907 1948 Portland Traction
439 1907 1948 Portland Traction
466 1908 1948 Portland Traction
467 1908 1948 Portland Traction
468 1908 1948 Portland Traction
469 1908 1948 Portland Traction
470 1908 1948 Portland Traction
471 1908 1947 Portland Traction
472 1908 1948 Portland Traction
473 1908 1948 Portland Traction
474 1908 1948 Portland Traction
475 1908 1948 Portland Traction
476 1908 1948 Portland Traction
477 1908 1948 Portland Traction
478 1908 1948 Portland Traction
479 1908 1948 Portland Traction
480 1908 1948 Portland Traction
481 1908 1948 Portland Traction
482 1908 1948 Portland Traction
483 1908 1948 Portland Traction
484 1908 1948 Portland Traction
485 1908 1948 Portland Traction
501 1904 1950 Portland Traction
502 1904 1950 Portland Traction
503 1904 Portland Traction 1976 to Brooks, OR, 503
504 1904 1950 Portland Traction
505 1904 1950 Portland Traction
506 1904 Portland Traction 1975 to Brooks, OR, 506
507 1904 1944 Portland Traction
508 1904 1950 Portland Traction
509 1904 1950 Portland Traction
510 1904 1950 Portland Traction
700 1910 1938 Portland Traction
701 1910 1938 Portland Traction
702 1910 1937 Portland Traction
703 1910 1939 Portland Traction
704 1910 1936 Portland Traction
705 1910 1938 Portland Traction
706 1910 1938 Portland Traction
707 1910 1937 Portland Traction
708 1910 1939 Portland Traction
709 1910 1937 Portland Traction
710 1910 1938 Portland Traction
711 1910 1938 Portland Traction
712 1910 1936 Portland Traction
713 1910 1938 Portland Traction
714 1910 1936 Portland Traction
715 1910 1937 Portland Traction
716 1910 1939 Portland Traction
717 1910 1938 Portland Traction
718 1910 1938 Portland Traction
719 1910 1938 Portland Traction
720 1910 1938 Portland Traction
721 1910 1938 Portland Traction
722 1910 1938 Portland Traction
723 1910 1939 Portland Traction
724 1910 1938 Portland Traction
725 1910 1937 Portland Traction
726 1910 1937 Portland Traction
727 1910 1938 Portland Traction
728 1910 1938 Portland Traction
729 1910 1937 Portland Traction
1001 1907 1940 Portland Traction
1002 1907 1940 Portland Traction
1003 1907 1940 Portland Traction
1004 1907 1940 Portland Traction
1005 1907 1940 Portland Traction
1006 1907 1940 Portland Traction
1007 1907 1940 Portland Traction
1008 1907 1940 Portland Traction
1009 1907 1940 Portland Traction
1010 1907 1939 Portland Traction
1011 1907 1939 Portland Traction
1012 1907 1940 Portland Traction
1013 1907 1940 Portland Traction
1014 1907 1940 Portland Traction
1015 1907 1940 Portland Traction
1301 1907 Portland Traction
1302 1907 Portland Traction
1303 1907 Portland Traction
1304 1907 Portland Traction
1305 1907 Portland Traction
1306 1907 Portland Traction
1307 1907 Portland Traction
1308 1907 Portland Traction
1309 1907 Portland Traction
1310 1907 Portland Traction
1311 1907 Portland Traction
1312 1907 Portland Traction
1313 1907 Portland Traction
1314 1907 Portland Traction
1315 1907 Portland Traction
1350 1911 Portland Traction
1351 1911 Portland Traction
1352 1911 Portland Traction
1353 1911 Portland Traction
1354 1911 Portland Traction
1355 1911 Portland Traction
1356 1911 Portland Traction
1357 1911 Portland Traction
1358 1911 Portland Traction
1359 1911 Portland Traction
1360 1911 Portland Traction
1361 1911 Portland Traction
1362 1911 Portland Traction
1363 1911 Portland Traction
1364 1911 Portland Traction
4008 1930 09.1947 1959 Portland Traction 09.1947 ex Yakima, 20. 1959 to Snoqualmie, 20; 2018 to Yakima, 20
4009 1930 09.1947 1959 Portland Traction 09.1947 ex Yakima, 21. 1959 to Snoqualmie, 21; 1989 to Yakima, 21
4010 1930 09.1947 1959 Portland Traction 09.1947 ex Yakima, 22. 1959 to Snoqualmie, 22; 1989 to Yakima, 22

Näytetyt tietueet: 164 / 164


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