TransphotoSähköinen kaupunkiliikenne


Leicester, ER&TCW 2-axle motor car

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

# Valmistettu Tulo Käyttöön Meno Liikennöitsijä/varikko Huom.
1 1903 1903 1903 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
2 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
3 1904 1904 1947 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
4 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
5 1904 1904 1947 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
6 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
7 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
8 1904 1904 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed. 1947 to 162
8 1904 1947 1947 LCT Enclosed double-deck. 1947 ex 20
9 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
10 1904 1904 1939 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
11 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
12 1904 1904 1934 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover
13 1904 1904 1948 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
14 1904 1904 1947 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
15 1904 1904 1947 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
16 1904 1904 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed. 1947 to 108
17 1904 1904 1947 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
18 1904 1904 1948 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
19 1904 1904 1944 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
20 1904 1904 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed. 1947 to 8
21 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
22 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
23 1904 1904 1949 LCT Balcony double-deck
24 1904 1904 1934 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover
25 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
26 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
27 1904 1904 1948 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
28 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
29 1904 1904 1934 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover
30 1904 1904 1948 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
31 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
32 1904 1904 1948 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
33 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
34 1904 1904 1939 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
35 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
36 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
37 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
38 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
39 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
40 1904 1904 1948 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
41 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
42 1904 1904 1947 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
43 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
44 1904 1904 1934 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover
45 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
46 1904 1904 1948 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
47 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
48 1904 1904 1939 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
49 1904 1904 1939 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
50 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
51 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
52 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
53 1904 1904 1939 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
54 1904 1904 1947 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
55 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
56 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
57 1904 1904 1947 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
58 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
59 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
60 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
61 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
62 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
63 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
64 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
65 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
66 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
67 1904 1904 1948 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
68 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
69 1904 1904 1947 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
70 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
71 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
72 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
73 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
74 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
75 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
76 1904 1904 07.1947 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed. 08.1960 to Crich, 76
77 1904 1904 1947 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
78 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
79 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
80 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
81 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
82 1904 1904 1948 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
83 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
84 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
85 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
86 1904 1904 1948 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
87 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
88 1904 1904 1939 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
89 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
90 1904 1904 1947 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
91 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
92 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
93 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
94 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
95 1904 1904 1947 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
96 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
97 1904 1904 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
98 1904 1904 1939 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
99 1904 1904 1947 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed
100 1904 1904 1912 LCT Water car and Rail Grinder; 1912 to 151; 1920 to 179. 1912 to 151; 1920 to 179
108 1904 1947 1947 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed. 1947 ex 16
151 1904 1912 1912 1920 LCT Water car and Rail Grinder; 1912 ex 100; 1920 to 179. 1912 ex 100. 1920 to 179
162 1904 1947 1949 LCT Open top double-deck; later fitted with balcony cover, then enclosed. 1947 ex 8
179 1904 1920 1920 LCT Water car and Rail Grinder; 1912 ex 100; 1920 ex 151. 1920 ex 151; 1912 ex 100

Näytetyt tietueet: 105 / 105


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Näytä luettelossa:  Sarjanumero  ·  VIN  ·  Alustanumero