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Yhdysvallat, Brill "Strafford car"

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# Valmistettu Tulo Meno Romutettu Kaupunki Liikennöitsijä/varikko Huom.
60 03.1924 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 to 165; 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1991 to Keokuk, 165; 1995 to El Reno, 145
165 03.1924 1931 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 ex 60. 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1991 to Keokuk, 165; 1995 to El Reno, 145
165 03.1924 1954 Philadelphia PST 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 60. 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1991 to Keokuk, 165; 1995 to El Reno, 145
165 03.1924 30.01.1970 1991 Philadelphia SEPTA 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 60. 1991 to Keokuk, 165; 1995 to El Reno, 145
165 03.1924 1991 Keokuk KJRY 1991 ex Philadelphia, 165; 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 60. 1995 to El Reno, 145
145 03.1924 1995 El Reno ССHS 1995 ex Keokuk, 165; 1991 ex Philadelphia, 165; 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 60
61 1927 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 to 161; 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1991 to Keokuk, 161; 1996 to Rochester, 161
62 1927 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 to 162; 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1990 to Rockhill, 162
63 1927 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 to 163; 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1988 to Keokuk, 163
64 1927 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 to 164; 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1989 to work service; 1994 to East Troy, 164; 2009 to Scranton, 64
65 1927 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1935 to 169; 1954 to PST
161 1927 1931 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 ex 61. 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1991 to Keokuk, 161; 1996 to Rochester, 161
162 1927 1931 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 ex 62. 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1990 to Rockhill, 162
163 1927 1931 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 ex 63. 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1988 to Keokuk, 163
164 1927 1931 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 ex 64. 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1989 to work service; 1994 to East Troy, 164; 2009 to Scranton, 64
169 1927 1935 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1935 ex 65. 1954 to PST
161 1927 1954 Philadelphia PST 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 61. 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1991 to Keokuk, 161; 1996 to Rochester, 161
162 1927 1954 Philadelphia PST 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 62. 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1990 to Rockhill, 162
163 1927 1954 Philadelphia PST 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 63. 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1988 to Keokuk, 163
164 1927 1954 Philadelphia PST 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 64. 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1989 to work service; 1994 to East Troy, 164; 2009 to Scranton, 64
169 1927 1954 01.1960 Philadelphia PST Burned. 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1935 ex 65
161 1927 30.01.1970 1991 Philadelphia SEPTA 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 61. 1991 to Keokuk, 161; 1996 to Rochester, 161
162 1927 30.01.1970 1990 Philadelphia SEPTA 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 62. 1990 to Rockhill, 162
163 1927 30.01.1970 1988 Philadelphia SEPTA 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 63. 1988 to Keokuk, 163
164 1927 30.01.1970 23.08.1986 Philadelphia SEPTA 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 64. 1989 to work service; 1994 to East Troy, 164; 2009 to Scranton, 64
163 1927 1988 Keokuk KJRY 1988 ex Philadelphia, 163; 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 63
164 1927 1989 1994 Philadelphia SEPTA De-icing car. 1989 ex revenue service; 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 64. 1994 to East Troy, 164; 2009 to Scranton, 64
162 1927 1990 Rockhill RTM 1990 ex Philadelphia, 162; 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 62
161 1927 1991 Keokuk KJRY 1991 ex Philadelphia, 161; 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 61. 1996 to Rochester, 161
164 1927 1994 East Troy ETER 1994 ex Philadelphia, 164; 1989 ex revenue service; 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 64. 2009 to Scranton, 64
161 1927 1996 Rochester NYMT New York Museum of Transportation. 1996 ex Keokuk, 161; 1991 ex Philadelphia, 161; 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 61
64 1927 2009 Scranton ECTMA 2009 ex East Troy, 164; 1994 ex Philadelphia, 164; 1989 ex revenue service; 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 64
66 1929 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 to 166; 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA
67 1929 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 to 167; 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA
68 1929 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 to 168; 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1986 to Keokuk, 168; 1996 to Rochester, 168
69 1929 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1935 to 160; 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA
70 1929 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1935 to 170; 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA
166 1929 1931 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 ex 66. 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA
167 1929 1931 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 ex 67. 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA
168 1929 1931 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1931 ex 68. 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1986 to Keokuk, 168; 1996 to Rochester, 168
160 1929 1935 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1935 ex 69. 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA
170 1929 1935 Philadelphia Phila. & Western 1935 ex 70. 1954 to PST; 30.01.1970 to SEPTA
160 1929 1954 Philadelphia PST 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1935 ex 69. 30.01.1970 to SEPTA
166 1929 1954 Philadelphia PST 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 66. 30.01.1970 to SEPTA
167 1929 1954 Philadelphia PST 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 67. 30.01.1970 to SEPTA
168 1929 1954 Philadelphia PST 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 68. 30.01.1970 to SEPTA; 1986 to Keokuk, 168; 1996 to Rochester, 168
170 1929 1954 17.01.1969 Philadelphia PST 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1935 ex 70. 30.01.1970 to SEPTA
168 1929 30.01.1970 Philadelphia SEPTA 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 68. 1986 to Keokuk, 168; 1996 to Rochester, 168
160 1929 30.01.1970 11.1985 Philadelphia SEPTA 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1935 ex 69
166 1929 30.01.1970 03.1986 Philadelphia SEPTA 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 66
167 1929 30.01.1970 23.08.1986 Philadelphia SEPTA 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 67
170 1929 30.01.1970 05.1970 Philadelphia SEPTA Not used. 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1935 ex 70
168 1929 1986 Keokuk KJRY 1986 ex Philadelphia, 168; 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 68. 1996 to Rochester, 168
168 1929 1996 Rochester NYMT 1996 ex Keokuk, 168; 1986 ex Philadelphia, 168; 30.01.1970 ex PST; 1954 ex Phila. & Western; 1931 ex 68

Näytetyt tietueet: 54 / 54


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