TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

Ritošā sastāva saraksts

Wason 4-axle trailer car

Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Raž. No... Pilsēta Depo/Parks Piezīme
2043 1916 1920 Connecticut Company Freight trailer. 1920 ex Eastern Massachusetts, T-36. 1920 to Wason 4-axle motor car
2044 1916 1920 Connecticut Company Freight trailer. 1920 ex Eastern Massachusetts, T-37. 1920 to Wason 4-axle motor car
2040 1916 1920 Connecticut Company Freight trailer. 1920 ex Eastern Massachusetts, T-33
2041 1916 1920 Connecticut Company Freight trailer. 1920 ex Eastern Massachusetts, T-34
2042 1916 1920 Connecticut Company Freight trailer. 1920 ex Eastern Massachusetts, T-35
760 1918 Portland, ME Portland Railroad
761 1918 Portland, ME Portland Railroad
762 1918 Portland, ME Portland Railroad
763 1918 Portland, ME Portland Railroad
764 1918 Portland, ME Portland Railroad
765 1918 Portland, ME Portland Railroad
766 1918 Portland, ME Portland Railroad
767 1918 Portland, ME Portland Railroad

Parādītie ieraksti: 13 no 13

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