TransPhotoLinnade elektritransport

Veeremi nimekiri

Norristown, Schuylkill Valley Traction Co.

1893 Norristown Bridgeport & Conshohoken Traction Co → 1895–1933 Schuylkill Valley Traction Co.

Otstarve:  kõik sõidukid  ·  liinisõidukid  ·  tehnilised sõidukid  ·  muuseumsõidukid

Mudel Tehase number Valminud Alates Kuni Märkus
15 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 387 1895 06.1895
16 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 388 1895 06.1895
17 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 389 1895 06.1895
18 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 390 1895 06.1895
102 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 1918 to 114
103 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 1918 to Reading, 153
104 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 1918 to Reading, 154
105 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 1933
106 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 1933
107 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 1933
108 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 1933
109 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 1933
110 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 1933
111 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 1933
112 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 1933
114 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 1918 to Reading, 30; 1929 to 38
114 Brill 4-axle motor car 1901 1918 1933 1918 ex 102
115 Brill 4-axle motor car 1904 1933
116 Brill 4-axle motor car 1904 1933
117 Brill 4-axle motor car 1904 1933
118 Brill 4-axle motor car 1904 1933
119 Brill 4-axle motor car 1904 1933
500 Birney 1920 1929 1930 1930 to Hanower & McSherrytown St. Ry. (Pennsylvania). 1929 ex Reading, 500
501 Birney 1920 1929 1930 1930 to Hanower & McSherrytown St. Ry. (Pennsylvania). 1929 ex Reading, 501
502 Birney 1920 1929 1930 1930 to Hanower & McSherrytown St. Ry. (Pennsylvania). 1929 ex Reading, 502
503 Birney 1920 1929 1930 1930 to Hanower & McSherrytown St. Ry. (Pennsylvania). 1929 ex Reading, 503
504 Birney 1920 1930 1930 ex Plattsburgh, 5; 1928 ex Plymouth, 355. 03.1933 to Reading, 500
505 Birney 1920 1929 1930 to Hanower & McSherrytown St. Ry. (Pennsylvania). 1929 ex Reading, 505
506 Birney 1920 1930 1930 ex Plattsburgh, 6; 1928 ex Plymouth, 356. 03.1933 to Reading, 501
507 Birney 1920 1929 1930 1930 to Hanower & McSherrytown St. Ry. (Pennsylvania). 1929 ex Reading, 507
508 Birney 1920 1930 1930 ex Plattsburgh, 7; 1928 ex Plymouth, 357. 03.1933 to Reading, 502
509 Birney 1920 1930 1930 ex Plattsburgh, 8; 1928 ex Plymouth, 358. 03.1933 to Reading, 503

Sissekandeid näidatud: 32

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Näidata nimekirjas:  Tehase number  ·  VIN  ·  Šassii number